Father’s Word of February 28th, 2015

To be free from adherences


My children, what I tell you now is very important: Adherences of any kind can confuse your whole life and keep you away from essential things. Adherences are very often old habits, rituals, or also preferences, which often are one or more lives old, and are always dragged along on the soul, because you have not yet identified them as such, or they have been deliberately accepted, because you liked them and used them therefore as a pastime. However, some of these adherences come from the present time. Especially computer games or other things you are depending on, e.g. also mobile phones, really fascinate many people and keep them partially away from their real tasks. Also the internet and your TV programs can cause these adherences, and with this, I have mentioned only the peak of the iceberg. Of course you may arrange your free time as you want, but you should also always know consciously, when and where limits have to be set. By the conscious handling of all things, also a conscious limiting can take place. Many of your children or friends or acquaintances are really addicted to one of these things. Please inform them, and try to make clear to them that there is a real world for them and that this artificial matrix of illusion has only been built up to mislead them from their essential purposes. Men tend to be fond of everything what has to do with technology in the major context. But also girls and women are really tempted in this direction. You should care for your children and grandchildren, because in the schools these mobile all-rounders are already nearly a status symbol, and exclusions and so-called harassment is often prevailing, if these children and youngsters do not follow the trend and the fashion. However, try to make it clear to your nearest human beings that this is not the true life, and that this kind of dependence is dangerous. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 27th, 2015

No judging and evaluating


My children, every day, people evaluate and judge without being aware of what happens due to this. You, who work as My prolonged arms on earth, know about it. Of course it is allowed to tell your opinion, but it must be shown clearly that this is only your opinion. Through this judging, evaluation and the scandalous cursing, the people harm not only themselves, but they supply the other side energetically. This means: The other side live from negative energies of all kinds! You can give now a good example and inform the people about these themes. Tell it them unbiasedly, and recommend them also to watch their language and their thoughts consciously. Tell them in doing so that these are recommendations, and that they should try once, how they feel, when they follow them. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 26th, 2015

Concentrate on the essentials


My children, many people let themselves divert again and again from important things, because they do not focus to something consciously. Also some of you belong to these people. I understand that you want to be always available for other people and thus interrupt the things you are just doing. However, decide what has priority, and in case you are interrupted during your work, please continue it afterwards. The other side is also a master of distraction and tries to keep you away from important things by seemingly important news out of its worldly media. Therefore be concentrated, when you do something important, and do not let divert you from your prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory”. These well-meant advices I send you in love. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 25th, 2015

Look ahead


My children, it is always useful to live in the here and now, and to look forward. The permanent hanging on to old energies implies also a stop for the distribution of the new energies. It is the same as with running water: If you make it stop, everything jams, and the original flow has gone for the first. Your life is also in a fluent motion, and a too intense persisting and clinging to former events or things let stop the flow of energy. This means in plain language: Short-term remembrance and delight of former things are acceptable, but no frantic clasping and clinging to past things, because they were nicer than the reality, which has to be lived now. This persisting and the not recognizing of the reality very often lead to forgetfulness and to Alzheimer. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 24th, 2015

Let go the fears of loss


My children, in these days, many people have fears of loss. This may be due to their jobs, the general situation of money, or due to other themes. Fears of loss pull the people energetically down very strongly and give the other side a chance to play its “little games” with them. As difficult it may seem: The only chance to escape from this disaster is, not important whatever happens around you, to stay strictly in the profound confidence to Me, and never to stop praying, to send light, and to think positively. Who says now that it is difficult to do this in such a situation, I tell him: It works! It needs only willpower and CONFIDENCE IN GOD! Who trusts Me is protected every day and at any time in the scope of his life plan. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 23rd, 2015

Warmth means energy


My children, warmth means energy. This short sentence all those of you should keep in mind, who freeze a lot, or for whom the winter lasts too long. Your bodies need energy and warmth, and you can get them in different ways. Of course by heating the room you stay in, by warm drinks, by movement and appropriate clothing, but also through your thoughts. Certainly you still remember that your thoughts have special powers, and that imagination can move mountains. Some of you always visualize that they are in the South Seas and enjoy the sun there under palm trees – and this in the middle of the cold winter. But the body reacts to this, and the freezing comes to an end. However, the power of imagination should be very strong, and you should also feel the warmth. As a quintessence, I want to give you the advice: Let always enough warmth into and onto your body, and the winter will be no more an unpleasant evil, but you will experience it as a normal part of nature. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 22nd, 2015

Peace in the hearts


My children, the world cannot recover as long as My children that have been incarnated as My prolonged arms on earth have no peace in their hearts. Do not absorb the worldly burdens or things that you hear about too much into your hearts. Give them always at once to Me for transformation. You need peace in your hearts, in your soul, and in the rest of your body. There is no coincidence! Everything what happens has developed through resonances. Though it seems often that there would be no justice, nevertheless it is resonance, and because I gave the people a free will, often only the actual situation can be seen, and unfortunately not the reason for it. Therefore, do not judge and evaluate, but only offer your opinion about the things you want to name, and formulate it so that it can be understood that this is only your opinion and no judgement. If you manage to release everything burdening from your body and the soul, you will feel suddenly, how everything in the universe is closely interwoven and linked, and that a wink of the eye can cause a change. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 21st, 2015

To live a simple life


My children, you know that I am glad, when My children are happy and satisfied. But I am also glad, when they realize life consciously, and when they can enjoy life also in its simplicity. To this it belongs also that you can make your meal consciously with simple vegan or vegetarian food, and that you know what to do, when the power supply would fail. Cooking with wood should work on simple cookers or stoves in the same way as the knowledge about how not to freeze. I have told you all this, and I know that you have followed my advice always very wisely. Therefore practice all these scenarios to be prepared, if a concerning situation should happen. Those of you, My children, who have the possibility, should store copious timber stocks, because winter is far from over, and the next winter is certain to come. Therefore, check your supplies and care for having water abundantly. Stay always in the calmness and the certainty that I am always available for My children, and that I protect and guard them. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 20th, 2015

Prayers help to transform

My children, if friends, relatives, or also foreign people trust you with something and ask you to put in a good word for them in a prayer, do not hesitate to ask Me, and transfer these matters to Me in the profound prayer. Help will come within the scope of the possibilities of the single person. Such situations can happen more often within the coming time, when the crisis on earth will become worse. Therefore, I cannot recommend you this often enough: The daily prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” are so immensely important. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 19th, 2015

Clear your mind

My children, every day, the people are overwhelmed with countless information from the public media. There is nearly no time left for quietness and relaxation. Nearly every family has a radio receiver, television, or computers running – additionally often the mobile “all-rounder device” is in permanent use, and WLAN connections suggest the people that they have always to be available and continuously up to date. Shall I tell you, what will come next? Illness, burnout, or also total forgetfulness, because the soul together with the body is no more willing to and cannot cannot cope any more with this flood of information. Additionally, there is the sickening continuous radiation by microwaves of different kinds. You as My prolonged arms on earth know all this, but I like to mention these topics from time to time, for also new readers of the GODFATHER’S WORDS join us, and refreshing the information is certainly useful. Please set a good example and inform your family, relatives, and friends as far as possible. Often, you will fall on deaf ears, but subconsciously your messages are very well stored and come back into memory, as soon as the people feel bad. Try daily to keep your mind free from burdens, sorrows, stress, and other adherences in order to send My love light every day full of joy from you out into the world. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 18th, 2015

The inner force


My children, you know that you can achieve everything that is possible within your life plan. This is the prerequisite for the following: All fears and sorrows drain power and energy from the body, they drain it by and by. The simple antidote is hidden deeply inside you: The profound love, with the connection to Me, and the trust in My FATHER’S LOVE and in yourselves. Yes, you must also trust in yourselves! A simple example is that you always, when you are anxious or depressed, pray profoundly to Me and say “JESUS CRIST IS THE VICTOR!” so often, until you are free of fear again. Another possibility is of course to feel joy. To laugh and to be happy are opposite poles of the fear. Imagine e.g. a place or a situation, where you have been happy and satisfied, and also have felt joy. Everything has been stored on your “hard disk” in your brain, and thus you can also recall this information at any time. Displace negative things as soon as possible, but keep positive things tightly anchored, and often there are situations or things that remind you again. Therefore, let My love light flow at first through your bodies regularly, and then send it out into the world to reach those people who are receptive for it. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 17th, 2015

Strength lies in peace

My children, the most of you can hardly bear the daily hustle and bustle, and also the last day of the follies indicates that from Wednesday on the quietness will return. Come to the inner rest and try to live consciously the things that are important for you, to enjoy them, and also to appreciate them consciously. Most of the people live only passing lives and they do not realize it at all. If you, My children, tell those people something like that, because it has been apparent to you, they mostly look at you amazedly or uncomprehendingly, because they cannot understand or realize it. Enjoy the moment, in harmony with My love in the quietness, and capture the moments with your eyes in order to feel them. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 16th, 2015



My children, this time challenges the people. Also you, My prolonged arms on earth, sense it either on your own body, or through the help that you may give and send to the people, when they ask you for it. Your bodies receive now more and more energy of the new oscillations, and the adaptation requires on the one hand a lot of skill and sensitivity, and on the other hand symptoms show that may either be transformed or need longer to adapt themselves. This is for the worldly oriented people just in the initial phase now, for you it is already a step further. So do not worry, when you have as out of the nowhere suddenly chills, headache, discomfort, or other little aches. This lasts some days, and then your body has adapted itself. For the worldly people however, this change can cause major problems. It depends on whether they accept the transformations, or not. Therefore, you may be at their side for advice, if you are asked for it. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 15th, 2015

Going with open eyes through the world


My children, look at the people you come across. How do they react? Often they are irritated or astonished, because nowadays nearly everybody lives only in his own world. A "Gruess Gott" (greet God) is only still common in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, and partially in Austria. In this fast moving time, you seldom find any politeness and comprehension. Therefore send consciously My love light also to those people you come across. This can be through eye contact or also through prayers in a larger circle. Many people want to awake from their self-created lethargy, but they do not know how to do it. Therefore, you may support them through your prayers, light transmissions, and also personal contacts, even if it is only through a quick eye contact. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 14th, 2015



My children, just now, in the cold season, it can easily happen that you get a cold, a draft, or other little aches. Now, mostly this disease is the result of a cause that has a deeper significance. However, there are also pains that you get suddenly, and that have different causes. It can be e.g. that you are angry about worldly things, or you are afraid of them, or also simply a carelessness, when you e.g. lift too heavy, or move too carelessly in wrong clothing in the cold. Consider during all things you do: Your way of thinking determines everything what happens. With a strong will, you can influence positively everything that comes towards you. However, sometime, little aches are also a signal that you should slow down a bit for one or more days, take it easy, and to let relax your body and your soul. Overexertion often shows as different symptoms, and sore muscles are often one of the harmless variants. First of all, take everything as given, and then try to find out, what has been the reason. As soon as this has been identified and changed, your body will be fit again soon in most cases. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 13th, 2015

Do not be superstitious


My children, many people are superstitious, and such a Friday 13th is very intensive for those people. There are many things superstitious people are afraid of. But I tell you: Who is free from fears and sorrows and always places himself under My mantle of protection is protected and guarded. In spite of this, care is required, because this ominous day is also within the stronghold of follies, and other people make mistakes at these days. Therefore leave your house only consciously under My mantle of protection, and pay anticipatorily attention to whatever comes your way. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 12th, 2015



My children, in these days of the foolish activities, your haven of peace inside yourselves is the connection to Me. The security you need is always present, when you go inside yourselves and pray profoundly to Me. You also can find security through your partners, children, friends, or even pet animals. However, this security is mostly of the worldly kind. People need security to feel safe and good. Already a warming cup of hot tea in a freezing situation and a roof over your head can provide security. Therefore you should try, not important where you are, to build up always a kind of security also in the worldly manner, and additionally, the profound connection with Me through the prayer gives you the spiritual security. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 11th, 2015

Particular attention


My children, it is important now that you take good care of your body, your mind, and your soul, because tomorrow, the wild folly begins again that will last until Tuesday of next week. Now it is easy for the other side, because many people addict themselves to the foolish activities and cannot resist the temptation of too much alcohol, and the one leads to the other. Therefore avoid as far as possible this artificial, put-on hustle, and try to send a lot of love light from home. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 10th, 2015

Strengthen the immune system


My children, during the wintertime, it is always more difficult to keep your body fit than e.g. in summertime. The repeating change from the cold outside and the warmth inside the house resp. the apartment can be a physical strain from time to time. Additionally, many people cannot afford a warm home, and they are often feeling cold, or heat only one room poorly. Especially in such cases, a good immune system and strong body’s defences are necessary, because otherwise, a problem is pre-programmed here. About 100 years ago, many people fell sick in the wintertime, and they thus got permanent diseases, because due to their job, they had to work often in icy air, and they did not get enough nutrients from their meals at home. You, My children, can radiate into your body through the profound prayer everything, which lacks you by whatever reason. You need only a heart connection with Me and absolute FAITH IN GOD, so that it will work. Tell the people that they should have more confidence in Me and also in their own abilities, because I gave all people a power of endurance, together with the certainty that the profound belief and the absolute confidence always help. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 9th, 2015

Reduce aggressions


My children, many things the people hear in the public media are consciously manipulated and controlled and shall stir up hatred and rage. The other side wants also to cause aggressions of any kind in My children, because it lives from these energies. Therefore, I want again to recommend you warmly that you try to stay in your middle, in spite of all disturbances, because there you are in the calmness and have the power to consider everything objectively and without prejudices, and to act accordingly. You know, My children, that at first glance, things seem to be extremely unfair on earth, but with the second glance, you look behind the facade and see an artificial matrix of which the other side has persuaded the people. Only those, who are firmly established in faith and confidence, can see through the illusion, in which the people are led to believe. You see, My children, everything is in best order for you and those that are closest to you, when you have firm confidence and live accordingly. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 8th, 2015



My children, at the time being, it is very difficult on earth, and the dance on the wire rope is very dangerous. However, I taught My children, no matter what happens, always to think positive and always to stay in their inner middle to radiate My love light and to help as My prolonged arms and lighthouses in the roaring sea. Which scenarios and how strong they will be on earth depends to a large extent from the people. If they believe and do nearly lethargically and without their own will what is presented to them daily, it is difficult to get them to think independently and to acquire their own points of view. Here you are coming into play again, My children. Your prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” go deeply into the hearts of the receptive people, and thus daily many of them awake from their deep sleep. It is only important that everything happens peacefully and luminously, and that you send daily more luminous energies onto and into the earth. Let not frighten you, My children, because fear deprives you of your life energy and makes the other side cheer. Be certain that I am always with you and protect and guard you. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 7th, 2015

Prayers in distress


My children, many worldly oriented people often pray only then, when they are in great distress. If they feel then help and relief, it is possible that they believe at least in this moment that spiritual help is possible. Prayers in distress are often the last possibility the people have, when nothing else can help them any more. But why does it come to their minds only then? Now, most of the people are so strongly shaped by the mass media, the environment, and the way of thinking that everything in their life has a higher significance than the profound prayer. Do you understand, My children, why the earth is in this mess so deeply? You as My prolonged arms on earth should now pray especially intensely for peace, because it is still teetering on a knife edge. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 6th, 2015

To show good will


My children, it is not easy to find the root of all evil and to separate from it, this means, to leave the old way that had been totally worldly, and to go into the direction of the spiritual world. What I want to say with this is that now many people relinquish their old patterns of thinking and acting and reorient themselves. The way they now begin to go can be thorny and difficult, and therefore they need helpers like you, who support them positively. To show your good will is the least you can do to help those people, who are ready to leave their old lives and who want to go into the direction of the spiritual world. Mostly a severe reason is the cause. Show sympathy as well, when these people contact you more often than usual and ask many questions. Answer and stay calm, and pray also for them that they have the power of endurance to go this new way. Especially now, in times where everything becomes more difficult, people find back again to their roots and their belief. However, mostly this is only possible with the help and the good will of My children. Your FATHER, who is very glad, when people go into themselves and decide to go the spiritual way, and to experience in doing so, how their life changes positively. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 5th, 2015

Gratitude is an important word


My children, one of the most important words the people should use is the word gratitude. It comprises so much good, and in spite, is it so much neglected. You, My children, know this word well enough, but also you use it often too seldom. As a reminder: Everything that happens in your life has a resonance – you definitely know this. But it is also very important to be grateful for all experiences you make! Be grateful for all positive aspects – but also for all the negative ones respectively learning processes. Who tries immediately now to be grateful for everything he encounters, and to see or also to encounter things and situations without prejudices will experience that his whole world view can change. Think about this, and try to integrate it into your life. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 4th, 2015

Mind the cold


My children, now in the winter, there are once and again periods, where it is especially cold. Do not underestimate this cold, and do not expose yourselves to these frosty temperatures too long without being well protected. Many people are vain and leave the house bareheaded even at sub-zero temperatures. Especially through the head the people loose a lot of warmth, and therefore it is important to protect it particularly well, as well as the feet and weak points that are especially vulnerable by frost. Also the hands are glad about gloves. Many people in your latitude have got frostbite, because they had been too careless or too vain. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 3rd, 2015

Blessing and confidence


My children, the biggest part of the food you buy in the normal super markets is irradiated. This is officially said to be a protection, but in reality, the people are made ill in the long term. Who now does not have the money to buy everything in a pure biological quality or to grow it, should beg Me already in the shop that My blessing is on everything that you want to buy. Thus the scanning at the cashier is not welded into the food with negative energies. Be never careless, and check very well, what you eat and drink. Please read also the small print on the packing very carefully. Feel into yourselves, whether you find things still appropriate for you that you had liked and tolerated in former times. Even when you are invited, take the freedom and ask, which ingredients have been added to the food. You just must not eat from pure politeness anything that is not good for you, or which you do not like. Many of My children are meanwhile already so sensitive and subtle that they have to watch carefully, what they still tolerate, and what not. Avoid all food that has been genetically modified, and additionally avoid all ingredients that have been produced artificially. It would be ideal, if you had an own greenhouse and some vegetable patches that you can maintain and cultivate consciously, and when you water them additionally with blessed water daily, you will realize and taste the difference of the taste and the quality in contrary to other vegetables and fruits. If possible, buy at a biological farmer, who does not spray, and also try to sense on the weekly markets, what does you good and what not. Plant trees, where it is possible for you which also bring a harvest. I have given you this advice already before. Always think positive, and see only the good in the people, even if it is sometimes difficult. By means of this way of views, thinking, and acting, the world changes slowly step by step. Amen.


Father’s Word of February 2nd, 2015

To be able to listen


My children, some of you do regularly services of pastoral care. It is important to be able to listen and to open the ears wide to help the people to carry their problems by listening them. Give to them help and advice as far as possible for you, and then give it all to Me for transformation, so that it does not strain you personally. In many cases, you as spiritual pastoral workers are the only people they still can rely on in their misery. However, tell them as well how important it is that they turn towards Me with their sorrows and problems through the profound prayer. Amen.


Godfather’s Word of February 1st, 2015



My children, there are efforts in progress, beginning from the subtle realms, to flood the whole solar system with the new energies. Because everything has its resonance, it naturally does not stop at the earth, but extends furthermore. The change process includes a continuous increase of vibrations everywhere. Your efforts, My children, should be that you strive to do daily a good deed, may it only be for some minutes of the day. Every prayer, every light transmission, every celebration of the “Calls of Victory”, every good deed, yes, every positive thought, to name only the most important things, contribute to the process that everything transforms stronger and stronger. There are different directions and currents on earth, and the other side has different ideas, how it wants to govern you. But there is only one true form of life: To live voluntarily in love and freedom, without force and pressure, in a way that all forms of life go well and that everybody grants everything to everyone from the bottom of their hearts. Amen.