September 30th, 2017

The period of praying goes on


My children, you know what it means, when I tell you: What happens just now in the world is like the dance on the wire rope, which is symbolically stretched over a ravine, where just now an absolutely hot fire is ignited. This means: The time of intense praying goes on, and it is useful that so many people as possible pray voluntarily intensely and profoundly, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and do good deeds. In Germany, the public holiday is approaching, and many people enjoy a prolonged weekend through the so-called “bridging day”. Let us therefore span bridges symbolically throughout the world from one end to the other. Paint the world symbolically on a sheet of paper and build mental bridges to your fantasy. Equip them with the words “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR” each, and you will see, how intense and strong these healing energies are. Amen.


Remark from Johannes: Spontaneously, I have painted with a blue pencil a circle for the earth on a sheet of paper, then freehand drawn the continents, and across the bridges the lettering “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR”. You can use it as a template, print it, or paint something absolutely different. All the best for you, Johannes.


September 29th, 2017

Computer problems and more during a solar storm


My children, again, there has been a huge solar storm, and therefore now and then complications occur, e.g. also in the computer network, the power supply, or also with technical devices in general. Try always to protect your equipment important for you, by asking Me for My protection also for it. The same way you may ask for protection of your car, this is absolutely possible also for electric devices, which are important for you and which do not serve only as entertainment for passing time. Again I have been asked by you, whether provisions should be made now. My children, provisions are always reasonable! The late summer is drawing to an end, and autumn will soon send its first harbingers. Stock up also potatoes, cabbage, onions, and whatever is offered in larger quantities at your discounters, on the weekly market, or also in the health food store. Some farmers also sell directly at their farmyard. You should get the information and store cleverly, where it is possible. Also fruit, as e.g. apples, are suitable very well for storage. Amen.


September 28th, 2017

Strive for peaceful togetherness


My children, you see how the politicians of the world behave, and that this leads very often to frictions or power games. Therefore it is so important that you dissociate yourselves from these things, and that you begin in your private environment to strive for the peaceful togetherness, because then you can send this harmonic oscillation into the world as an opposite pole. So as yesterday went full of love and harmony for many light workers, it can continue now, recognizing that everything is equal – large or small. If you maintain peace on the small scale and send this vibration out into the world through the profound prayer, it has absolutely an effect on the large scale, i.e. the world. So as constant dripping wears the stone, your light transmissions, prayers, and “Calls of Victory” have a slow but continuous effect for the earth healing. Amen.


September 27th, 2017

Small and great miracles


My children, they happen often undetected: Small miracles. But today, more of them happen and delight also those people, who will receive them as a resonance. What a miracle means for the single person depends also upon his way of life and situation. For somebody, who nearly dies from hunger, a loaf of bread can be a miracle, whereas for a spiritual person this can be also something nice and delicate. Be open today for inspirations and aids, My children. Of course also today, as every day, daily light transmissions, profound prayers, and celebrating of the “Calls of Victory” are natural for the most of you – voluntarily, and especially this, My children, makes the big difference to the worldly oriented people. You take care, think, pray profoundly, and try to do good deeds within the scope of your possibilities. Your FATHER, who is always with you, and whom you can anytime ask for advice and help. Amen.


September 26th, 2017

You carry your life in your hands


My children, do not listen to any worldly person, how you have to mould your life. You live in a country, where you have to stick to rights and obligations, but you have still enough freedom to carry your private life in your hands. Many of My children are vegans or vegetarians, but nevertheless some of you have not yet the guts to admit it openly. It is absolutely a great challenge to go through life as a vegan without malnutrition – and first of all to stand by it! If it is a matter of the individual responsibility of every single human being, this person should also have clear goals in mind, because without them it is difficult to strive for something to be achieved. I tell now especially those children, who have not yet managed to make the change to become a vegetarian or vegan: Do not grieve, My children, because there is a time for everything. You need a firm inner conviction to forego animal products completely! The vegetarian manages to a large extent, because he does not want to eat a dead animal. Dairy products, honey, and eggs e.g. are often ok for him, and this is how it should be. Everybody should do it as best he could. Do you understand, My children? I never judge, and I leave every person as he is, because everybody has his own learning processes. For Me, there is no “vegan is better than vegetarian”. It is an absolutely different matter, what is healthier for the single person from a health point of view. Therefore again My request: Live your life and set yourself targets. If and how then can be finally reached is another topic. It is important that you shape your life in connection with your beloved ones, and that you take action in peace and knowing that you do good deeds. Amen.


 September 25th, 2017

Power of basic trust


My children, during the past two days, you have felt which immense pressure oppresses Germany. Your multiple wishes regarding the Divine Justice have borne fruit to a large extent. After September, 23rd, something is going to happen in Europe and also in the rest of the world. Everything begins subtle and then transforms into the physical matter step by step. Try to integrate this harmonic oscillation into your life, which gradually flows through your heart, your soul, and your body, and you will learn that it will become easier in the period ahead – for people, who believe consciously in Me and My Divine Creativity and have basic trust. Amen.


September 24th, 2017

You have the choice


My children, you know that you have got a free will from Me always and everywhere. Therefore you have the choice to do what you want. But due to the free will, also the law of resonance has been created. Everything comes back to the sender – in the positive as well as in the negative way. Many of My children complain that there is too much manipulation in politics. My children, do take action, you have the choice, and additionally, you can also pray always for Divine Justice through the profound prayer. Amen.


September 23rd, 2017

 Pray, pray, pray


My children, two fateful days will come up to you. Today, the 23rd of September, as well as during the election on 24th of September, you should pray a lot and beg first of all for Divine Justice. Worldly oriented people want to dictate you, what you have to do and to let. But I tell you: You decide what you do out of the heart, in the profound connection with Me. Your FATHER, who is always with you and gives you encouragement, if you ask Him for it. Amen.




September 22nd, 2017

Answers to questions


My children, many of you are interested in the coming days and weeks, and I have been asked again and again in the profound prayer about it. Here are the answers to the questions, which interest you most: “Should we continue to make provisions?” Yes. – „Is the time during the coming days sensitive?” Yes, it is. Only your prayers can prevent worse. – „Shall we fuel up our cars, and have enough self-sufficient equipment available?” This is right, My children: I have told you already for a long time, how important an encompassing provision is, that it is equally important to be as self-contained as possible, if it comes into question. ‘Practice makes perfect’, to name this old proverb appropriately. – “Does anything change through the constellation at the sky of September 23rd, 2017?” Yes, there are changes, and something will be happening. It depends also on your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds, how strong these changes influence also the worldly affairs. – “Is it advisable to stay better at home in the near future, than going out or wanting to experience something?” Well, My children, as I have told you already several times, it is always reasonable to stay at home at sensitive days, and also to recommend this to the rest of the family. You see, My children, a lot depends on you and all the other children, who in true and profound connection with Me do good deeds through their hearts, and voluntarily pray, send light, and do many other things. Everything hangs by a thread, My children. Amen.

September 21st, 2017

All about weather


My children, at the time being, there is no quiet in the weather activity! The heavy earthquake in Mexico, the new hurricane in the Caribbean, and until now also in your regions a lot of rain and also storm. But your prayers effect of course also a lot of help. The late summer finally begins in your region, and you can eventually do good deeds outdoors, and if necessary work in the garden, or simply walk through the nature, or go for a stroll. If you have used your weather candles consequently, you will have seen that the weather pattern has calmed down in your region. Well, you can intensify the whole also through the profound prayer: “Beloved FATHER, we ask You now that our mental candle for peace and weather, which we have lit now in the deep connection with You in the profound prayer, may help now in all crisis areas of the earth, within the scope of the life plans and karmic entanglements, which may still be solved there. Amen. Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen.” If you pray this prayer profoundly and thereby picture, how the imaginary candle for peace and weather is placed over this certain region at the map you have in your atlas, healing of earth and of peace will happen specifically there in the scope of what is allowed. Amen.


September 20th, 2017

Diversionary themes


My children, there are no coincidences in politics. If politicians dislike something in the development and the awakening process of the worldly oriented people, they start diversionary tactics fast as lightning. Whether it is in the so called “celebrity area”, in sports, or even with subjects, which no spiritual person would ever discuss. But gossip belongs to the program “bread and circuses” the same way as the various so called sport disciplines. Also the always recurring series programs of the different TV stations, which shall keep the onlookers “addicted” to them and suggest them to watch the next sequel daily or weekly. The same applies to the elaborately staged TV series from America, and of course to the expensive cinema films, which are also nothing else than a distraction from the real world affairs. Why do the people need so much distraction, My children? Well, deep inside their soul, nearly all people want to live in peace and harmony. But because the daily news broadcasts in TV, radio, and newspapers are mainly negative and destructive, the souls of the people want to relax and e.g. let themselves be lulled by “love and heartbreak” films. As said before, this concerns mainly people, who do not go the spiritual way yet. Some of you, My children, watch also regularly something in the TV or internet, but you do it targeted, and not only for background entertainment. Amen.

September 19th, 2017

Dissolve fears and concerns


My children, it spreads out in the internet like fireworks – is there a huge danger for mankind? Well, this constellation of planets at September 23rd, which is compared with the revelation, is indeed a mental and partially also a physical challenge for many people. But who believes in Me, trusts Me, and is always connected with Me profoundly in the prayer, knows that I always watch My children true to Me, and direct them in a way, which is possible within the scope of their life plans. But this life plan changes very often in the positive way, because many of My children true to Me have worked off everything, which they had to solve and clarify, and therefore further tasks and aids have been assigned to them at their own request. Who resolves his fears and concerns, has also in inner calmness and balance to help people, and to act reasonable and wise. Your FATHER, who is very glad that many children true to Him have made so good progress this year. Amen.


September 18th, 2017



My children, a large part of mankind is acidotic – also in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. What causes such hyperacidity? Well, most of the so called diseases, as you call them, have to do with hyperacidity. Therefore it is a relative simple task to sit down and to consult a book or the internet to learn, which foods and drinks are alkaline and which not. If you manage, My children, to eat mainly alkaline – therefore healthy -, many little aches and health complaints will have to go. There should only be kept a certain consistency, if you decide to clean the body, to detoxify it, and afterwards to live on a healthy diet. Amen.


September 17th, 2017

Food and drinks


My children, for specific reasons I explain you once again, what you should pay attention to, if you want to develop further mentally. First of all it is advisable to eat healthy, and to drink mainly pure, blessed water. The healthier you eat, the more willing is your body to go along with a higher vibration. I explained you already several times that a vegan or at least vegetarian nutrition is favourable in so far, as that the body on the one hand can digest everything much easier, and on the other hand gets an improved lightness with regard to the spiritual growth. It is useful to clean the body regularly – inside, as well as to avoid any food that has been fried in fat. Some raw food is certainly reasonable – it must be checked, what and how much you can tolerate. If you want to bring lightness in your life again, you should consciously also see to it that you eat nothing any more from 19 hours on. In which extent you prepare your breakfast with light food is your own decision. Many of you begin with an alkaline drink. Positive side effects after a change of diet to an absolute vegan way of life are: Often a body weight loss, softer facial features, occasionally increased hair growth, a higher exercise capacity – together with better physical fitness and less need to sleep. Amen.


September 16th, 2017

The time is already exceeded


My children, symbolically spoken, it is no more five minutes to twelve, but already after twelve. This means that the announced procedure of the other side could only be prevented up to now, because so many of My children true to Me do daily so many good deeds, and through profound prayers, light transmissions, and also the celebrating of the “Calls of Victory” have mounted again and again a spiritual “bulkwark” from love and light, to call it so, that you can imagine it. Because everything is subject to the law of resonance and you, as My prolonged arms on earth, know of course, what this means, this law of resonance takes effect now stronger and stronger also within short time, to show the impacts clearly noticeably. Many attempts of the other side since 1998 have been averted again and again through your never ending love to Me and to the life forms on earth. But not by force, as the other side likes to do it, but by the only power, which nobody can ever harm: The pure love! Who lives in the pure love is free of fears and knows that he resp. she is always connected with Me through the profound connection of the heart, and this is the strongest power on earth. My children, you are and have been led again and again by the other side into temptations and entanglements so sophisticatedly, that only the direct connection with Me, through the profound prayer, keeps you free from these appeals. Especially men have their problems, because they are open to electronic developments of all kinds. This may be the latest “mobile all-rounder”, wireless connections of different kinds, or new “bells and whistles”, which nobody really needs, e.g. for the car, office, or anything else. Who of the men now makes a time travel back into his childhood or youth, which most of you experienced of course without wireless technology, will remember how different life was. Nothing had been digital, everything went in an orderly manner. This extreme fast pace could be met still in a relatively modest extent, and the small but nice specialties affected the lives then. Mainly the conscious slowness, which wants to come back to My childrens’ lives, was present then to a large extent. Who lives this conscious slowness of things for one day or longer, will learn, how superfluous many things are, of which you were told that you absolutely need them. It is ideal to try such an “experiment” as I call it now during a holiday, because then you have the time to test it. You must not be available constantly through the mobile all-rounder. This had been suggested to the people consciously by the other side through the film industry and the public media to make attractive a dependence they did not know before. Once and again, I will send you longer FATHERWORDS, because time is catching up, and unfortunately some of My children have stored in their subconscious many things I had told you already several times, but they have displaced them in their real consciousness due to the extreme fast pace. But if it is addressed again, often an “aha effect” is triggered. The soul, in connection with the subconscious, brings it back into memory. Therefore many people, who cannot cope with the extreme many information of this fast living world, have no dementia, but only “memory problems”, to name it in the computer language. You receive so much concentrated energy and information every day that you can soon lose the overview. Therefore My request from Me to you, My beloved children, first of all to avoid the public-law media for the most part on the one hand, and on the other hand to let the slowness into your lives, to be able to filter consciously, what is relevant and important to store for you personally, and what not. This concerns also everything you read: Keep only what seems important to you personal, and what moves your hearts as well. Indeed, you are still heading towards hard times, but if you do deliberately daily the good deeds and profound prayers in profound love to Me and with Me, the process, where your money system will break down, can be further delayed. They day will come, where it will happen, because it is long overdue. The longer it will last, the more people will awake, and thus the transformation process can happen much milder, together with a change. It depends also on many different factors, whether that, what the other side plans, will finally be realized. Due to the free will I gave you, and to which I naturally adhere furthermore, a great deal is possible, and in this way also a smoother change. Because many of My children think that everything must proceed the way as miscellaneous end time prophets have seen it in their visions, I want to tell you once more: Prophecies are warnings, which can happen, but they must not! Amen.


September 15th, 2017

The weather: In the past and nowadays


My children, some of you will know it still, or have learnt it at school: The last big flood in Hamburg has been in 1962. But now it is threatening more and more that the coastal towns at the North Sea – in Great Britain as well as in Germany – can experience heavy storms and gales. Of course such heavy gale-force winds happen especially at distinctive points in high altitudes, as e.g. the Harz Mountains, the Fichtel Mountains, but also the Zugspitze, if there is also a violent storm in the south. Well, in the past, people have not been informed about such storms with so extreme intensity through the print media, radio, and TV. Nowadays many people, who are already a bit older, have the feeling that in former days it was relatively normal, when autumn storms occurred. The difference is, though, that this year the trees still carry their leaves, and there is a difference for the tree, whether it faces a storm with or without leaves. Additionally, the other side has possibilities to boost the storms and to make them dangerous cyclones. Just here, the different aid options through My children true to Me begin: This may be the profound prayer, aimed prayers for protection, salvation, and blessing of the people, the animals and nature, and of course the earth as a living organism. Then there are the weather candles, which achieve a lot, although mostly only in the limited scope within a radius of your home. You can also make peace candles, protection candles, and healing candles though the profound prayer with Me, and you know that white candles have on the one hand the strongest radiation power, because white contains all colours of the light spectrum, and on the other hand the highest power. You can have wonderful success with further means as well, and you can also print the recently established creation “Earth Healing 2025” of My writing channel here, which is below this FATHER’S WORD as a picture. Be simply creative, and use this picture in a number of ways to do good deeds and to practice Earth Healing. Never leave your house carelessly without My protection – I give you, My children, this well meant advice – and do not only pray for protection, salvation, and blessing for yourselves every day, but also at least for your beloved ones. Amen.


September 14th, 2017

Watch your health 


My children, just now, in the stormy time between summer and autumn, many people catch a cold or become ill otherwise. How does this happen? Well, you know that you can actually only become ill concerning e.g. a cold, if the body does not live in a high vibration any more, and if strokes of fate, rage, hatred, strong emotions, and many things more have taken it out of the inner balance. Of course also other aspects play a role, as e.g. poor nutrition, too little liquids, mainly water, wrong clothing, strong sweating and then as you call it “get a draught”, and many other factors. I give you an appropriate example: A worldly oriented person feels ill, has limb pains and therefore goes to the doctor. In the waiting room, some other people are sitting, who have also one or more little aches, and the vibration of our example person is already quite low when entering the waiting room. Because all those present vibrate on a low level, his energy adapts to the other people’s energies, and thus bacilli and pathogens can happily jump to and fro, from one person to the other. Some visitors of the doctor’s, who had before “only” sniffles, i.e. they had symbolically enough of something (in German literally “have the nose full”), have after the contact with the many other people there “collected” further adhesions of bacilli and other pathogens to nurse them as well tenderly. I have expressed this consciously in a childish language, in order to clarify that nearly everything has something to do with consciousness and a strong will. I do not talk about the so called karmic diseases resp. removal of burdens, which the people have to dissolve or work at from past lives, but about short term things, which arise, when you are not in peace with yourself and thus have reduced your own high vibration drastically. My writing channel here explains again and again that you should say again and again “Vibration high!”, because then your immune system, together with your subconscious, can do nothing but increase the own vibration. Also here, fear is a wrong companion, because who goes to the doctor with the fear to get infected there, will automatically lose a major part of his vibration and then possibly also “infect” with bacilli, because this is nothing else than to allow the bacilli to move to your body to live out there, what is just wrong. Once again, My children: Who has e.g. a cold, has already absolutely enough of one or more situations. You cannot become ill easily through this, because if the vibration is high, nothing and nobody can “infect” you, because bacilli and pathogens act on a low vibration level. Who says or thinks every day repeatedly “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!”, together with “VIBRATION HIGH!”, keeps his vibrations in higher up to very high realms and is even then still protected, if he is afraid for a short time. He should afterwards at once speak those two sentences again, though. Each so called disease has a reason, and the people can of course get additional little aches, if they are afraid of them, and if their vibration is already on a low level. Therefore in hospitals, retirement homes, or also in medical practices there is often a very low vibration, little oxygen in the rooms, and a bad mood, often caused by this. Air the rooms, best intermittently, regular cleaning of the rooms, either through ozone energy or also e.g. through incense burning, banishes everything unpleasant and increases also the vibration in the room. The higher and cleaner the energy in a room is, the better most of the people feel. Amen.


September 13th, 2017

Earth healing is a source of pleasure


My children, you have already heard a lot about earth healing, and many of My children true to Me are pleased to do it. Today I want to tell you something new. My writing channel here has had an inspiration this morning. This came not directly from Me, though, but it resulted from different sequences, which he had assembled in his head to create a “earth healing puzzle” as I call it. He asked Me at once, whether this was feasible, and I agreed. His inspiration was as follows: Everybody who wants that the earth healing runs profoundly can do the following: If he or she registers a car, he or she can ask for the letters EH for earth healing, followed by the concerning numbers, if they are still available. It would be perfect to get the numbers from 2018 until 2016. Thus earth healing energy would be sent permanently through the antenna of the car automatically. I agreed, and he asked Me to mention this in the next FATHER’S WORD, which I do gladly herewith. Additionally, there are also very nice possibilities to design earth healing in a simple way. A sticker at the rear window of your car e.g., which contains the vibrations of the earth healing, can do something good for the earth. You know that nothing is impossible for Me, and with this little pleasure I want to motivate you still more to do earth healing on a small scale and if necessary also on a large scale. If somebody laminates this picture and puts it in a creek of his choice underneath a stone so that it cannot move, causes that earth healing energy flows permanently over the water, which is as you know a brilliant information carrier, and it flows in the direction of the water next in size, and then possible also into the ocean. You can equip everything with the earth healing picture, if you want. I have asked My writing channel here, to create such an earth healing picture following this FATHER’S WORD, and then to activate it in the profound prayer with Me. For this reason, this FATHER’S WORD is edited only after the picture is ready and is available for you to download it free of charge. Your FATHER, who is very glad, when you render services for your near ones and also for the earth, in love and absolutely voluntarily. Amen.


September 12th, 2017

Self-sufficient ideas


My children, regularly, you put questions through the profound prayer about self-sufficiency or at least partial autarky. I like it very much, when My children think about the environment, and contribute their share. Well, many people, who think in this direction, begin with small steps. This may be a so called isolated solution, where they can feed their garden house or their caravan with their own power supply, or also the motor caravan, which is at least partially self-sufficiently equipped with solar cells resp. a photovoltaic system. You can copy of course also, what some of your siblings do, by separating your toilet. There are already possibilities to separate the urine, which is in principle precious, from the stool, which can be also composted, if it gets certain biological additives. Furthermore rain water can be collected and made drinkable by filters, or it can at least be used in the garden or in the house. Many of you do not waste resources and recycle, whatever is possible. Some of you have already discovered how to build something out of euro pallets. There are so many possibilities to start at first with small steps, and then to grow slowly further on. It is important that this is done always in the awareness of the distinct whole as part of this earth. Neither a too intense striving for power, nor “guru posturing” is wanted, but an affectionate togetherness as part of this world, which you, My children, let every day become a little bit more intact and healthy through your daily good deeds and thoughts, through the profound prayer, the light transmissions, and also the “Calls of Victory”. Amen.


September 11th, 2017

Gain knowledge


My children, many people are shocked, when they see, what can happen through hurricanes and other natural disasters. Many of My children true to Me cannot understand, how naive many people are worldwide. Only when catastrophes happen, these worldly oriented people begin panicky to stock up resp. buy what they need, to refuel their car, and then to flee. Millions are on their way with their cars or on the run. What does the brain say? Why does a worldly oriented person want to live near the coast, when he knows that at irregular intervals hurricanes or other catastrophes can happen? Well, the answer is quite complicated: It has to do e.g. with power structures, but also with the fact that it is a special privilege for many people to live, where others spend their holidays. What conclusions do My children draw from it? Well, that people make the right provisions, that no panic occurs, and first of all that a home is searched or also found, which is if possible outside the big cities. Many hundred thousand people are resp. have been without power supply due to the hurricane, and many houses have been destroyed on the islands. Some people say now: “How can you firstly live on such islands, which are endangered, and secondly build a house, which cannot withstand a storm.” Well, My children, do not forget the mentality and the education of these people. Also on other islands, as e.g. the Philippines, partially quite simple houses are built. This is of course also a cost factor, which should not be underestimated. Some of My children true to Me have meanwhile bought a caravan or have modified an appropriate car, so that they can sleep in it and if necessary live therein for some time. Many of you are concerned about the whole situation which happens just on earth, and they inform Me about their thoughts in the profound prayer. Of course I help where possible, without interfering in the development and the life of the single person. If you ask now e.g. in the profound prayer: “Beloved FATHER, does it make sense to buy a motor caravan?” Which answer do you want to hear then? I do not influence you, but if it should be, suddenly offers or inspirations come up to you. Better ask in a different way, e.g.: “I am interested in a self-sufficient way of life, and if it is useful for me, the concerning material in any form will come up to me.” In such a case, it is obvious, what is appropriate and good for the single child. My writing channel here has got this way his “mobile earth healing car”. Always according to whatever suits best, My children. Therefore draw your conclusions from the catastrophes, and make provisions so far as you feel that you need them. I help every child, which asks Me profoundly. Also watch, what comes up to you, resp. falls to you in the daily life, because there exists, as you know, no coincidence, because it falls to you on purpose. Amen.


September 10th, 2017

Feelings of success


My children, due to the many prayers, daily senses of achievement arise – the small ones, but also the big ones. People, who ask for help, are often so desperate that they see no other solution any more. It is fact that many worldly oriented people ask only then for help, when everything else has failed – from their point of view, mind you! Who prays always profoundly and does good deeds receives only good things as a resonance. But if there are burdens from former incarnations, they may also be removed resp. solved. This is also the reason, why spiritual people have still something to clear away. Also here, there are feelings of success in a regular number, because also the old burdens diminish through good deeds – and sometimes they must also show up, so that the religious person feels, what he still must work on. Amen.


September 9th, 2017

Your prayers


My children, your special prayers should always be sent exactly to the scenes of accidents or disaster areas, when you are aware of it. As e.g. during the actual hurricane, which had never been able to become so heavy under normal conditions. Furthermore it would be useful that you pray also that there is a regulation in Europe, from the spiritual point of view. I said already often, that all prayers coming profoundly from the heart are so immensely powerful, that through them at once something good can happen. Even if, due to your job, you have little time during the day to pray, send light, and celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, there is the opportunity, though, in situations, which are used otherwise. On driving to work or the way home, visiting the toilet, or also in the bus, the train, or the airplane. There are always possibilities to do good deeds. You must only start it. Amen.


September 8th, 2017

When worries are carried into the dreams


My children, many people have problems and sorrows, and because they do not give them to Me in the profound prayer, they carry them around, and they come also into their dreams, resp. keep them up or make it difficult to fall asleep. These sorrows and problems can be of many kinds. Concerns over the health, the job, the future in the own country, or also over money are in the first place for many people. You, My children, have also sometimes a hard time falling asleep. But this is also because you are connected with the whole world during the night due to your extreme sensibility and sensitivity. Those of you, who have not learned to switch off, or to give Me in the profound prayer these sorrows, problems, and what else you feel in your subconscious can probably have a bad night, toss and turn from left to right, or have simply the feeling that they cannot fall asleep. If you feel so regularly, give everything to Me what depresses, moves, or also burdens you, and then let go, My children! Many people cannot let go before going to sleep, and thus they need a longer time to bring their body into the necessary relaxation to fall asleep then, and first of all to come into the so important deep sleep phase. Especially this is of great importance, My children. Amen.


September 7th, 2017

A lot is happening...  


My children, the next hurricane “is waiting” for your prayers to calm down, the sun sends the strongest solar storm since long time, and in the regions, where the hurricane is expected, people make panic buying. You see, only a natural disaster lets people rethink and stock up. But many of them get nearly nothing any more or nothing at all, because they do not think and act foresightedly, but look only into the “TV box” every day, and let themselves “sprinkle”. Not for nothing I have advised you, My children, again and again to make provisions, and also to make these provisions useful to save money this way, because food becomes more and more expensive, and you have the security to be prepared, if e.g. the power supply fails short-term or also longer. You should not be casual about these catastrophes, saying: “Nothing can happen to us...”. Well, not yet, but if so many of the Germans, Austrians, and Swiss continue to celebrate their “deep sleep”, and believe only, what is told them in the public media, then it will be a hard and long way for these people, who are then brought into the real Here and Now so to say with the “sledgehammer method”. Amen.


September 6th, 2017

If you are interested in something...


My children, it is fascinating, how much somebody can be fascinated by a hobby or an enthusiasm, and how he can forget time and space. If these are cars to adore in the internet, the model train at home, experimental hours in the kitchen when inventing new creations concerning cooking, and many, many more... I address this item today, because it seems to be an important issue for many people, also the children true to Me, which is consistently pursued again and again. Most people buy a car which they like. Period! However, some of you puzzle around in the internet for days or weeks, and they visit also most diverse car dealers to compare the tiniest differences of the different cars. It even goes so far that nearly the whole leisure time is used to pursue this hobby. I mention this now explicitly, because this takes of course a lot of time, which could be used better and more useful in the eyes of the family of this concerned child. In this FATHER’S WORD, I want to point out that it is certainly useful and for the concerned child is also full of joy when indulging in his hobby – but please do not sacrifice all of your leisure time for it, if you go the spiritual way. There should always be a balance, when money flows into expensive hobbies and projects, which have absolutely nothing to do with mental development, as e.g. to wear expensive luxury goods of any kind or to drive the related cars. This is out of the question for people, who work consciously mentally and also live so. If now in your family there is exuberance or also extreme pressure concerning hobbies, you can carefully mention that it is not very useful to waste the money, and to use a part of the leisure time not only for the hobby, but also for the family and other useful things. Amen.


September 5th, 2017

Strength lies in peace – just now!


My children, the so-called election campaign has entered the decisive phase and distracts from the important issues in Germany. Just now it is extremely important that My children stay in peace, and that until end of September they possibly pray daily profoundly, send light, celebrate the “Calls of Victory”, and of course do a lot of good deeds further on. During this month of September, as every year, a lot of healing energy flows to all forms of life being open to it. Originally September is the seventh month of the year, but due to the Gregorian calendar reform it has become the ninth month. Who means now that summer is over completely is highly wrong. Also this month, beautiful hot sun hours will follow, and it is not called by chance: late summer. Therefore enjoy the warm hours which still lie ahead of you, and gather sun energy. Your bodies are happy about it. Amen.


September 4th, 2017

When My children meet


My children, I am very glad, when My children join forces and organize a meeting as well. The exchange of information, energies, and many creative possibilities should be reason enough to establish regular meetings. Several of you, My children, are flirting at the time being with the idea to emigrate or to spend at least the winter in the south. But for many of you, the right time has not come yet. Who now toys seriously with the idea of emigrating, should think about it very carefully, because it is often a very big challenge to burn all bridges behind you. Often the so-called pensioners are better off, who retreat to Spain or also the different islands during the winter, because they do not like the weather in Germany, Austria, or also Switzerland. Upon a request, here comes a tip, how you can cope with the cold in your countries: First of all, you should care regularly for a comfortable temperature in your home, so that the body has no lack of warmth. Now it depends a little bit from your fantasy or imagination, My children. Some have posters or whole walls with wall papers with South Seas themes at home to bring this feeling mentally into their home or also inside their body. Others use red light lamps or infrared cabins to suggest the body cosy warmth and sunrays. Another possibility is to set up a room where the body has the feeling of being on holiday. My writing channel here is very imaginative in this field, and he will gladly tell you more about it. Back to the meeting of My children: Who has sufficient space and also the time to organize such a meeting can offer this gladly in this or also in the next year. I support everything being planned within this scope in profound connection, and also will take place. Amen.


September 3rd, 2017

Do everything much more consciously


My children, many people try to regain time, which they lost through the fast pace of everything. They eat, drink, and speak at the same time, and often also the radio, the TV set, the mobile all-rounder, or the internet are set to receive, resp. are switched on. What do you think your body does, when it has to cope with such a lot of impressions and digestion? Well, it is disturbed, confused, and does often not know, in which sequence it should process this food, resp. this drink. It feels like a person, who has lived all his life in a placid idyll in the country, and now stands in the centre of a million-strong metropolis during the rush hour. To cope with this confusion, everything, I repeat everything you do should be done consciously and slowly. Begin with conscious eating and drinking, up to the conscious selection of your books or the TV program. If you do something consciously, you cannot be easily diverted or thrown off course. Especially in this fast moving “fast food” society, the conscious and deliberate return to slowness belongs to an important factor during the awareness process. Amen.


September 2nd, 2017

The choice of the clothing


My children, just now, during the intense conversion and change between warm temperatures and quite cool temperatures, many people often misjudge the weather. They dress themselves very often unfavourable from their point of view, and they wonder why they have suddenly caught a cold or at least freeze constantly. To focus summer by force is unfortunately the worst thing for these people, because thus a cold or also through strong rain a problem for the body can result. Either the body sweats or freezes. Both is unfavourable, if no countermeasures are taken. If the body is still programmed for midsummer, it has problems to cope readily with the cool temperatures and the uncomfortable moisture. Therefore watch the weather carefully, dress correspondingly, and you will see that everything is simpler than you think. Amen.


September 1st, 2017

Harbingers of autumn


My children, in some regions, the weather change happens quite fast, and soon snow can fall in the south. After midsummer, now a cooling takes place. You see, My children, the weather can change relatively quick worldwide, and also those many natural disasters result on the one hand from the interventions, and on the other hand through the vibrations and resonances of what the people did. Let Me explain it with the help of an example: You have got the gift from Me to influence something in the positive way, if the event is outside of the Divine Plan. If e.g. a thunderstorm and heavy rainfall appear out of the blue, you may light in addition to your weather candle also a virtual, spiritual weather candle, which also protects your house and home, symbolically spoken. Thus a “torrential rain” can be very strongly depleted, if you pray profoundly and also light the virtual weather candle. There should be a real reason, though. It is not enough, if you say: I do not like rain. There is always a reason, if certain countries get strong rainfalls as though from nowhere. This can e.g. be overexploitation of nature on a large scale, or also something else, which has an intense influence. If you pray now for the people, who live in these regions, the corresponding energy reaches them, depending on their life plan. Here another repeated advice for all of My children, who want to move. If possible, you should live in the country, should take care, whether a creek or a river flows in your vicinity, how the location of the future house is, whether there have already been floodings or flood disasters during the past ten years, and whether there is a possibility to be able to leave the house in spite of bad weather or snowstorms. These are only a few, well meant suggestions, but they often help not to move into a location or a specific house, because there a catastrophe may possibly be difficult to handle. Amen.