January 31st, 2017

No impatience

My children, many of you are too impatient, if they have something to dissolve. This happens always in the right speed and at the right time. Especially, when colds and blockades were pending, you are often too impatient, until you are absolutely fit again. Be patient, and let your body recover with rest. A lot is supported and also partially accelerated by the healing prayers, but body, mind, and soul –together in harmony – need a certain rest and time for recovery respectively cleaning. Amen.


January 30th, 2017

Listen to your hearts


My children, some of you are not sure, whether the way they just go is the right one. Listen to your hearts, you will feel My presence. I am always with you, day and night. If you want to make a decision now, and you are not absolutely sure if this is right, listen to your heart before. So you can distinguish very well, whether it is a way together with Me, or not. Amen.


January 29th, 2017

Powerful warming thoughts


My children, many of you are tired of the cold and long for warmer weather. You know that your wishes and thoughts spoken or prayed by a great many people can cause a lot. Just the same a strong, profound prayer can even cause that the praying person is spared from an event that approaches him threatening (e.g. airplane crash, hurricane). The prerequisite is of course an immense, absolute, rock-solid trust in God. You may not doubt for a second that it is so and that help and healing happens, and afterwards you let go. You approach February, and from February 2nd on, Mary’s Candlemas, which is a day with a very high light quality, the main part of the darkness will give way. Enjoy today’s Sunday, and benefit from the power of the profound prayers to do further on a lot of good deeds worldwide. Amen.


January 28th, 2017

My children put questions


I am glad, when you, My children, put questions regularly. I want to answer some of these questions today.

“Is the sun thus important for our life?” Answer: “Yes, because without sun, no life would exist. The power of the sun has a healing effect for human beings, animals, and nature, and just now, during the cold season, you should benefit from the sun and go outside, as soon as you see it. Vitamin D3, which is originally a hormone, but which I call further on vitamin, because it is popular parlance, is generated by solar power or also as food supplement, which you should eat in winter, in case the so called vitamin D3 level is too low. This you can detect through a blood test. Some of you ask Me daily in the prayer to radiate them the optimum dose of D3, because they take the recommended pills, but are not sure, whether it is the sufficient amount. I radiate them additionally also vitamin K2, because it is needed as supplement.”

The next question is: „Am I safe from war in the German-speaking region?” My answer is: “If the life plan of a human being ends, he can flee where he wants, fate will catch up with him anyway. But there are situations, where My children receive many hints to leave the place they live, because their lives would be in danger there. These hints can be of different kinds. I try to warn My children again and again, if they absolutely do not want to react. In general, a large part of Europe is at risk, what does not mean that war may break out there. I protect you, My children true to Me, within the scope of your free will as far as possible. It is safer in the south of Germany than in the north and west. Avoid large cities, move out to the country if possible, avoid living near to highway exits, try living as self-sufficient as possible, continue to practice your survival techniques, enlarge if possible your food can supplies, look for water springs in your vicinity, watch also continuously the world affairs, and research also in the internet. Avoid mass meetings of any kind – especially during carnival, as I told you already, get related literature, ask Me in time for My blessing for your white candles, get sufficient heating material which works also without power supply, and provide yourselves with enough clothes for all living conditions.”

The third and last question is: “Which countries are safe?” Also here, My children, I give you only a general answer, otherwise this FATHER’s Word would last several hours: “Some of My children tend to move to Canada, because there are many regions for a new start. However, the cold needs getting used to. Paraguay is an insider tip. But also in Africa, there are beautiful places, which are still untouched. To travel to Australia is very difficult and not necessarily recommendable. Thailand and the Philippines can be flooded by huge masses of water. But also New Zealand is not safe. Italy cannot be recommended – there the earth bubbles already tremendously. However, the Stromboli basin can be soothed again to some extent through profound prayers. Some of you tend to move to southern Spain, they consider partially going to the Canary Islands, because there are hundreds of caves to hide.”

But the larger part of My children take the view: “I stay, where the FATHER has sent me, because He is my shepherd and protects me everywhere I am and do good deeds in His name. I will not be short of anything, because I am frugal and modest.” You see, My children, even if I am brief, I still have to give a bit of explanation to answer your questions satisfactorily. Amen.


January 27th, 2017

Health is a high priority


My children, especially during the cold winter season, many people absolutely realize how their state of health is. Therefore you, My children, should advise your family, friends, and relatives, how important healthy nutrition and food rich in minerals and vitamins is during the cold winter months. Some are saying then: “Yes, I take enough food supplements.” But just those out of the discount store have often undesirable side effects, as e.g. artificial sweeteners and so on. Therefore watch always the small print, before you buy something. Also in the internet, a serious provider enables you to read exactly, which ingredients are in the concerning product. Besides, most people lack the vitamins C and D3, which should supplement the missing sunshine. As you certainly know, I have recommended you already often infrared lamps, which can simulate the sun light, if you have some imagination. This year, January has been very cold in some regions, and many water pipes have been frozen, as also here at My writing channel. Please pray also for all people, that the pipes unfreeze again without breaking. Some regions of Eastern Europe experienced such a strong, icy winter as you can nearly not imagine. Therefore I want to remember you once more, how important health is, and that you pray for all people, who are ill or are on the road to recovery. Amen.


January 26th, 2017

When the battery is empty...


My children, if you are pushing your limits, it is similar to a car in winter: You must prevent the battery from discharging. Scale down your activities, and have some periods of rest. Literally “jump over your own shadow”, and admit that the recent weeks had been too exhausting. Drink a lot of blessed water, who likes it, also tea. If you realize that your body is too exhausted, go to the doctor’s and take a sick leave, or take otherwise a time out for some days. Put yourselves always under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer, and try during the coming time to give your body the recovery he needs now. Amen.


January 25th, 2017

The annual warning


My children, in four weeks, once again the days of carnival will take place (in Germany, depending on the region: ‘Karneval’ and ‘Fasching’). As every year, I recommend once again to stay away from the whole hustle and bustle and foolish activities, because the other side can romp through people, who are slightly drunk or totally drunk. This year, I send you that warning already so early that you can make according provisions on time. On the one hand through profound prayers from February 23rd until February 28th, 2017 in Europe, but most intense in Germany. Here is a corresponding prayer for My children: “Beloved FATHER, we beg you profoundly that you protect us optimal in the time from February 23rd until February 28th, 2017 included, and we send Your love light, Your healing power, Your Divine justice, and the energy of Your protection shield everywhere, where it is urgently needed during the crazy days. We ask also Premium Archangel Michael now, together with His heavenly host, to take care that peace will prevail further on. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER and beloved Premium Archangel Michael for Your help. Because Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor. So is it and so be it! Amen. Amen. Amen.“ During the crazy time, avoid large cities and concerning events, and take care, when people come across you, who wear costumes, which can be allocated to the dark side, as e.g. horror clowns, ghosts, pirates with sharp knives, kinds of halloween scary costumes, and all other kinds of disguise carrying weapons. This is a serious advice! Take care very well, My children, and put yourselves always under My mantle of protection. Amen.


January 24th, 2017

What do you need, My children?


My children, I am a loving FATHER, who does everything for the children true to Me, within the scope of their meanwhile often modified life plan. Time goes by at lightning speed to such an extent that some of you nearly cannot follow it due to the concentrated multitude of daily messages. Yesterday morning, My writing channel received the message that he would need warmer regions – especially for his wife, but also for the rest of his family. Now, some years ago, he never would have dared to publish such a message, but the necessary conditions absolutely force him to do it. Should you be able to help, simply contact him. Furthermore, many of My children have considerable problems with the cold during the night. Those, who have charcoal ovens, can try to heat with a larger amount of briquettes or egg coal, because their embers hold the needed temperature for a longer time. My children, anyway you should ask yourselves, what you want to do in the near future. I know from some of you that you would like to move. This is absolutely possible, if you have already a specific goal, and if you have already have made a concrete planning mentally. I will help you, My children, but you have always to do the first step yourselves. Develop creativity and inventiveness, and create mentally already a new home, and part of it will certainly be feasible, if you are mentally creative, open-minded, and first of all flexible. Amen.


January 23rd, 2017

Do something good inside and outside for yourselves


My children, not only in case of a cold or injuries you should do something good for yourselves. This is also very useful as preventive measures. Some of My children take only natural products without any use of chemicals, and they are very happy with it. Others of you select a mixture of both and wonder why they have so many “little aches” in spite. Therefore I recommend you to inform yourselves regularly, what helps on earth are available in nature, because you know very well: I let grow at least one plant against each disease and each problem, or have given you an aid. Thus: Inform yourselves, be well-read, and learn to appreciate the content of old books with all their know-how, which now are often only available from antiquarian book stores. Amen.


January 22nd, 2017

States of weakness


My children, states of weakness happen very often during or after a medical intervention in the hospital, because the body on the first hand is allowed to regenerate, and on the other hand wants to get rid of the poisons he had to absorb, and when it proceeds too fast. However, who overstrains his body for weeks, hardly sleeps, and worries about things, comes mostly to the point, where the state of weakness is so devastating that the body breaks down. Here can help only sufficient sleep, profound prayers, good food, which does the exhausted person good, as e.g. vegan onion bouillon, and a lot of good tea and pure, blessed water. The exhausted person needs some days of rest and personal affectionate support or help through profound prayers. Who now still continues, against the bodily reaction, overexploits his body. Therefore listen to the alarm signals, and help those people, who need this help urgently. Amen.


Prayer during states of weakness: Beloved FATHER, I pray now for ..., who just now is in a state of weakness, and I beg You to help him/her, and to radiate him/her anything which he/she needs for recovery. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER! Because Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor, Jesus Christ is the victor! So it is, and so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen. (22.01.2017)


January 21st, 2017

Do not overstrain


My children, just now during cold winter, where the temperatures can fall into the two-digit minus range, you should absolutely take care of your body and your health. Especially extreme temperature differences between e.g. the living room in the house and the place outdoors, where you e.g. clear the snow, can be very serious, and you can catch easily a cold, flu, or other diseases. Take it easy if possible during days with extreme temperatures, and be sure: There will be also warmer days later on. Amen.


January 20th, 2017

A day for praying


My children, today is again on of these days you should use intensively for praying. Pray not only for yourselves and for your family, your friends, your acquaintances and light siblings, but also for all events on earth. Amen.


January 19th, 2017

Blessed water


My children, some people are convinced that on certain days, water has a special vibration. Some people try to produce e.g. full moon water, others sun water, and so on. But I tell you: Who has good water from a water source or good tap water should fill it into a glass carafe and put it on a not too cold place. Then he or she should hold the hands over the carafe and speak the following prayer: “Beloved FATHER, I ask You now for Your blessing for this carafe with water, and that you give all positive things into it for us, which we need now. Amen. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! Amen.” If you do this every time with your water carafe profoundly, you will have every day blessed, pure water, which possesses also healing power within the scope of your life plan. Amen.

January 18th, 2017

Healthy cooking


My children, man of you eat health-consciously, and they are also interested in eating as biological as financially practical. Nevertheless, many vegetarians and vegans make errors in reasoning, so that they have sometimes deficiency symptoms in their balance of vitamins or minerals. Who wants to eat healthy, should practice it concerning to how he or she can cope with it. Many vegans e.g., should not eat exclusively raw, because they cannot tolerate it. Most of the Europeans of your region can get along very well with a mixture of raw and cooked food. However, it is important to know, how, where, and with which temperature the food is cooked. You should try on a case-by-case basis. Of course you may ask Me for additional support, if you have a deficit concerning minerals, vitamins, or also trace element. Profound prayers do absolutely help. But I do not want to support your laziness, based on the motto: “Why should I eat properly? The FATHER will help me anyway...” I mean that absolutely not, My children! If you make efforts, but do not succeed, I will help you. But in any case, intensive efforts should have been made previously... Blessed water in abundance is essential, and it helps also to remove toxins, slags, drug residues, and other substances from the body, which could take root there much longer. Just the same, thorough chewing is an important advice, and that water may be consumed before and after eating with at least 15 minutes time lag. Amen.


 January 17th, 2017

Healing comes from inside and outside


My children, if you pray diligently for your light siblings, miracles can happen very well from the worldly view! Healing comes always from inside and from outside. If the ill person has nobody, who prays for him, he can only take his own initiative and ask Me profoundly for healing. If on the other hand many people pray for an ill person, there is an immense boost of healing from outside. If there now comes from the ill person through the profound prayer this wish for healing also from inside, there is also from this side a very strong energy boost, which pushes the healing strongly. You see, miracles are often chains of good deeds and profound prayers – but not always! There are also different kinds of miracles. The prayers for healing should be prayed respectively spoken always so long, until the healing – as far as possible – is completed. Amen.


Father’s Word of January 16th, 2017

Healing support through thoughts


My children, indeed, it is so that you can do a lot of good deeds, when you support good deeds additionally through the will to do good deeds. You could ask: What shall this say to us? Now, many people have the wish to do good deeds, and many people have the will as well. Nevertheless it often fails finally due to the realisation. But if you support these people through the profound prayer, they will put into practice their wishes and demonstrations of their will. You nearly cannot imagine, what effect it has everyday. Secondly, very often the healing support through the thoughts is necessary with the often carelessly said wordings of many people, who originally wanted to do something good, but have then slipped into the negative. Say simply in the profound prayer: “Herewith I send my healing support through my thoughts everywhere, where it is needed just now, and I leave it to the FATHER to use it specifically out of my free will. Amen.” If you do this regularly, it will cause also a lot of good deeds on earth. Amen.


January 15th, 2017

The warmth of life


My children, it is important that you always consider, what has priority in your life. It is also not possible to live a good life by spiritual vision without the strong belief in Me and My creative power. You, My children, manage to cope with it in spite of all difficulties. When I speak about “the warmth of life” I mean this partially also literally, because who experiences only cold in his life must endure a lot to come into the heat flow of the heart. Even one warm room in the house is sometimes sufficient on the one hand to understand and to cope with the worldly cold and the human cold of the fellow human beings, and on the other hand to convert it into love and warmth. Yes, My children, some of you have only one warm room and no life in luxury, and nevertheless get on with the situation. Their secret is: Absolute confidence in My love and the knowledge that you sometimes also must improvise, where I send My angels of guidance to help in emergency situations. When these children are then ready to learn, and I offer them a better life situation – often also through worldly agents – they are allowed to seize the opportunity to make their worldly life a bit more pleasant. The advantage of such a sparse life is of course that they can cope better with extreme situations, e.g. if the power supply fails, than worldly oriented people, who know this mostly from a disaster movie. You know: There is no coincidence, and many exercises and tests bring My children closer together. Amen.


January 14th, 2017

The power of the thousand prayers


My children, every prayer spoken profoundly from the heart has a strong power. But if now these prayers are spoken by many people simultaneously, this power multiplies many times over. You speak of the power of the thousand prayers, if many people pray for one and the same thing. Examples for this are: Peace on earth, also called world peace, the protection of the home country from threat, but also the multiple prayer for healing and recovery of a single person, as you practice it as well. Miracles happen always, if on the one hand you believe in them, and on the other hand you let go and let Me work on it. Understand, My children, everything is possible, if My children pray profoundly, hold together, and are sure that all goes well, for what they pray or have prayed profoundly. Always the optimum happens, in the scope of the related life plan. However, if for this human being through his spiritual work another way beyond his previous life plan is provided, also the ways of this person, resp. child, change in a positive way. Some of you had e.g. in their original life plan no wife and no child at their side. But due to spiritual growth and thus a change in the own live plan, this happened anyway. Therefore: A lot of things can be changed and are also changeable, My children! Thus go to your daily work with joy, profound love, and the knowledge that you are on the one hand part of a great plan from My side, and on the other hand can do a lot of good things for yourselves and for all forms of life, which are open for it. Your FATHER, who is glad, if you surpass yourselves, and face your blockades, fears, sorrows, and other problems, which have held you back up to now. Amen.


January, 13th 2017

Have confidence


My children, every day, lots of messages wander round the world – often one worse than the other. But I tell you: Do not live in the fear or the fright that something could happen, but live your life in love, fairness, joie de vivre, and the knowledge that you are always under My mantle of protection, if you pray for it, and that you as well through your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds can not only do something good for yourselves, but that you thus can also contribute to the world affairs a bit – in the positive sense. Furthermore your prayers, good deeds, and so on are bundled by My angels and then applied specifically to do a lot of good deeds with them. Therefore have not only confidence in Me and My healing power, but also in yourselves and the power that flows through you, doing good deeds with Me at your side, connected through the profound prayer. Amen.


January, 12th 2017

Be selective with food and drinks


My children, as far as it is possible, and no hard times have come, you should select your food and drinks consciously. Many of you do not cope with dairy products and also bread. This leads to acid indigestion or to allergic reactions. If you ask now: Where does this come from, I tell you: Firstly it depends upon the environment, and secondly, because you are already so subtle and sensible that your bodies give an alarm already due to the least inconsistencies. My writing channel here responds very fast to both, and he is therewith in the best company of many of My children true to Me. Sodium bicarbonate e.g. is a means to balance acid indigestion in order to level the body basically. Try to buy respectively to harvest your food as biological as possible, if you grow it yourselves. Ask Me for My blessing for all your food, and try to drink as much blessed, pure water as possible. Your body and your mind will thank you. My children, should you come into a situation, where you cannot select your food, ask Me to help you, and I will change the oscillation of the food into a positive one. As I told you already yesterday: Never give up, and connect yourselves always with Me through the profound prayer, and you are being helped. Amen.


January, 11th 2017

Never give up


My children, I have shown you often that with humans, who never give up, miracles can happen. Now, it will become a difficult year, if you follow the way of thinking of the other side. Indeed, what has been planned is very hard to be mastered. But you, My children, can keep at least the worst from yourselves by your knowledge about the Divine laws. Through daily profound prayers, the celebration of the “Calls of Victory”, and doing good deeds. Today, I gave to My writing cannel another new, important prayer he has already published. Hold onto those prayers which you like most, and pray them profoundly without reeling them off. Especially in the profound way of speaking there is a lot of power. If you blunder into difficult situations, have the courage and the power to trust in My help – and never give up. Amen.


January, 10th 2017

Protect yourselves well every day


My children, there is a lot going on here on earth, and nearly everywhere you go people have a cold or other diseases. It is often especially intense in big super markets and in medical practices, because there the ill people infect each other with their bodily reactions, or at least burden each other. Seek fresh air, put yourselves consciously under My mantle of protection, and if you feel that this is not enough, because you have got excited or are fearful, simply say “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!”, so long, until you feel My protection completely around you again. I have been asked, how you can protect people, who take strong medicine? Now, exactly how you do it: Ask Me for the mantle of protection for these people, and I make it then so strong that it works in spite of the heavy medicine. Everything is possible – always and at any time! Amen.


January, 9th 2017

Dress the wounds


My children, there are physical and mental wounds. It is time to dress these wounds, so that they finally can heal. Wounds often result from curses, imprecations, false statements, lies, dishonesty, and many more. Also here, these wounds can be of both kinds. Some people have also wounds, though, which break open again and again, because they are a memorial not to fall back into the “old rut”. Be reconciled with all your tormentors, even if they have already left the worldly level of this incarnation. Give Me all your blockades, problems, and sorrows through the profound prayer, and I transform them together with you. There is no greater confidence than My FATHERLY LOVE and My protection that protects against all negative attacks. Stay in the calmness and in the inner peace, thus you are also attentive to My help. Amen.


January, 8th 2017

Vitamins, minerals, and trace elements


My children, in order that your body becomes and stays healthy, you should consider certain things: Avoid all dead food, i.e.: Food from the microwave oven, fried meat, best you eat as vegan as possible. Also dairy products have the characteristic that they produce a lot of mucous. Should you feel weak, try to drink pure, freshly juiced celery juice early in the morning. It helps many people. Furthermore drink a lot of pure, blessed water, and if you go to hospitals, retirement homes, or churches, enshroud yourselves especially well, because there entities are lurking for adhesion, as well as bacilli and so-called viruses, which prefer to ambush people to dock at them, if their vibrations are low. This can happen through rage, hatred, and so on, but also e.g. through a disease. Therefore take care – especially in the cold season. If you have no possibility to eat healthy, ask Me through the profound prayer to supply you with everything you just need. Here is a prayer for sick people, which you can send them profoundly through the prayer with Me: “Beloved FATHER, I pray now profoundly for ..., who is ill just now, and I beg you, beloved FATHER that You give him/her everything he/she needs now to recover fast again. Amen. Thank you, thank you, thank you, beloved FATHER! Because JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR! JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” Amen.


January, 7th 2017

Good thoughts


My children, it is very important that you practice also hygiene measure of your thoughts, and if you have said something not appropriate, you can erase it through an excuse. Should you have got excited about something, enshroud yourselves again after the excuse under My mantle of protection. Good thoughts should also be in your head, because also the imagined and unspoken things have an effect. Before you pray for a beloved person, you should also make a cleaning of thoughts and put yourselves under My mantle of protection. The better you are protected, the stronger the prayer works. Amen.


January, 6th 2017



My children, recovery processes use often different ways, until healing takes place. For the protection of the person, sometimes detours have to be made, which cannot always be understood from the worldly point of view. Today is Epiphany day, and the time of the “Raunaechte” is over. Many breathe a sigh of relief and are glad that everything becomes clearer and brighter. In some regions, today is a holiday and thus a good opportunity to do something, which is nearly impossible on working days. Nevertheless, you should also today speak consciously many prayers and enshroud in the prayers as well your siblings, who are ill or have other difficulties. In some cases, healing can also last some weeks, because often soul and body need rest. Through your prayers, though, your light siblings receive a lot of power, boost, and help, and it is a very strong support to their process of recovery. Amen.


January, 5th 2017

Clear out and let go


My children, with the new energy of the year 2017 you may work at you and inside you. Clear out your home, and also your soul and your body. To let old burdens go releases and helps to set the focus on new goals. To let go daily, if possible for you, is also sort of support, if you live in a gridlocked routine. Amen.


January, 4th 2017

Have confidence


My children, with everything you do, you should have confidence in Me and My healing power. Sometimes there seems to happen nothing in the first place, but you do not know the circumstances of the existing situation. There are cases where old karmic connections have to be resolved, before healing happens – or also purifications, conservations, and other procedures that can be hardly understood from the worldly point of view. If you pray so profoundly for a person and beg for healing, healing will happen as well in the scope of these named above things. Amen.


January, 3rd 2017

Be especially careful


My children, it is immensely important that you are aware how important the mantle of protection is. Already a small outburst of rage, anger, but also to get excited and scolding, as mothers tend to do with their children, can be sufficient that the protection is no longer completely available, and who does not at once afterwards enshroud himself again in My mantle of protection through the profound prayer, is exposed to the attacks of the other side. If you ask now: Does this concern only spiritual people? I answer: No, but to a significantly higher percentage. You can gather experiences in many different kinds – karmic or actual ones. If there are adhesions or seizures, mostly the soul is not able to manage alone to remove these form/s of entities from the body and to send them into the light. Therefore a lot of prayers will help here. Also the doses of the medication play a role, which the occupied person gets. If – through medication or strong mass prayers – these entities have no chance any more to enforce their will onto the occupied person, they often vanish voluntarily and look for another victim. Locations, where these entities are hanging around, are e.g. grave yards, hospitals, funeral homes, pubs, psychiatric institutions, places, where people live who are categorized as schizophrenic, and of course all haunted places. Therefore beware of carelessness, and enshroud yourselves especially well under My mantle of protection, before you visit such places, and say in your mind again and again: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” Pray for occupied people, and also for people with adhesions. The stronger these prayers are spoken, the bigger is the chance of success for a fast healing. But should there be a karmic mission as well, it can possibly last some longer. Nevertheless stamina is demanded for all concerned. Amen.


January, 2nd 2017

To overcome difficulties


My children, some of you have physical problems and diseases. Therefore it is particularly important that you pray for all human beings in the community, because only in the community you are strong. Amen.


*** On the basis of the FATHER’S WORD of Januray 2nd, 2017, I want to ask you that you please pray profoundly also for my wife Flora, because she is ill and needs your help through the support of your prayers. Many heartfelt thanks, your’s Johannes ***

January, 1st 2017

New Year’s Day 2017


My children, to the split second, a new vibration has begun. The old energies have been removed, and the new oscillations begin to manifest. Sensible people feel the new energies already now, and also you, My children, may receive them tenderly. Send the vibration “PEACE IN THE HEART – JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” out into the world, in order that it can anchor there extensively. Amen.