July 31st, 2017

The natural feeling of fullness


My children, normally, everybody has an internal feeling of fullness, which signals that the body is replete. With this, I answer questions from you, which are put again and again in the profound prayer. I recommend you to eat always very slowly and consciously, and thus to feel, when the body signals that it has had enough. If possible, go shopping, when you are full. If you are hungry when shopping, you easily succumb to the temptations in the shops. Be also aware of reading the small print at the packaging, and avoid as far as possible everything that harms you. I have been asked why you should buy biological food, when it is anyway contaminated after the scan process at the cash desk. Well, you can bypass these contaminations in advance, when you cross out all barcodes of every product you put into your shopping cart symbolically with a finger, and think “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR” at every barcode. After the scan process, you can repeat this crossing them out e.g. with a ball pen, and you can ask Me as well for suppression of interference, protection, energy, and blessing. Who thinks it is too much work for him, must accept the negative energy of the scan. You see, with some effort it is possible to clean your food resp. to protect it in advance. Of course it is better to buy it on the weekly market or from local organic farmers – if you have enough money. Back to the feeling of fullness: If you ask some of My children, why they never gain weight, they explain it as follows: “I eat so slowly that every food cools down, and my body signals at once, when I have had enough.” You see, conscious eating has also to do with conscious way of living and conscious life in general. Who eats too fast, feels after a short time, how full his stomach is, and then often only a digestion-sleep, a digestive schnapps, or a walk can help. My children, try to approach your natural feeling of fullness cautiously, if you do not know it yet. You will be surprised, how your life changes then. Amen.


July 30th, 2017

 To surpass oneself


My children, in the near future it can happen that it can get really uncomfortable. As said before, the combats will be fought first of all at the ethereal level, and afterwards they come into the worldly stage. Up to now everything has been averted, and therefore your daily profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds are so immensely important. Let us come now to you: You know that, in critical situations and awkward times, you are My light houses, who help the people affectionately, in the scope of what you dare to do. But you will see that most of you surpass yourselves and achieve performances, which you hardly considered possible yourselves. Stay in the calmness and in the confidence. Amen.




July 29th, 2017


What can happen




My children, you ask Me again and again, whether there will be a financial breakdown of your currency or not, and what you should do then. Well, the breakdown will come, if not sufficient people awake and join the spiritual way. I told you already several times that you should have just now sufficient supplies and first of all water, regardless of crises. The breakdown had been planned for this summer, but it could be averted due to several increases of vibration and changes in the people’s attitudes. Should it happen next winter and go hand in hand with a longer power supply failure, you should have as well sufficient heating material, in order not to freeze and also to be able to prepare warm meals. I have told you already several times that this is also possible in rented flats in the urban environment, if you are flexible and can improvise. Certainly living in rural regions is mostly much safer and also more stress-free. Who has the possibility to heat with wood and thus has a self-sufficient cooking facility has a large advantage over those people, who cannot heat due to the missing power supply. Some of you would like to spend this time outside your country. Well, who prepares to do so and has asked Me for help, will receive advance warnings regarding this, if it shall be so. Many of My children, though, prefer to stay in their own home and eat their supplies, better than getting problems in a foreign land with regard to the language and the mentality. Everybody must decide for himself, resp. for his family, what is best for him, resp. for the family. I help all My children in the scope of their life plan – if there is sufficient FAITH IN GOD and the certainty that everything is good and will be good. Amen.




July 28th, 2017


Patience and confidence are two important components of life




My children, many of you ask Me regularly and want to learn something about certain things or situations in their lives – also many requests are put daily. A cornerstone of the whole system is first of all the confidence, and additionally the sufficient patience to let the spiritual world work. Who e.g. wants to sell a house must give the spiritual word time to find the appropriate buyer or buyers. The same applies to the sale of expensive cars or other luxury goods. There are always people, who want to have exactly that, but they first of all have to learn about it, and they must also have sufficient money, resp. get it provided. Who now looks for a new apartment and has fixed criteria for it can give it to Me the same way through the profound prayer, and it will work at the right time, if you help mentally as well. This can e.g. happen by reading newspapers, internet ads, or also through word-of-mouth recommendation. But only sitting around and saying: “Dear God resp. beloved FATHER, I am waiting now for...” is the wrong attitude. The same applies to apprenticeships: Who makes the effort himself and introduces himself face-to-face has better chances to get an apprenticeship. You see, patience and confidence is sometimes a short-term thing, but sometimes also a longer lasting ordeal. Amen.




July 27th, 2017


Youthfulness comes from inside




My children, many of you look younger than they are. The most important is, though, that you feel much younger in large part, and that you have significantly more energy than worldly oriented people. This is because you eat healthy food, ask Me regularly for My blessing for food and drinks, and that you are also grateful that you always receive help within the scope of your life plan. The positive thinking and the many good deeds also help that you often feel absolutely young and want to do good deeds continuously full of joy. Amen.




July 26th, 2017


Fluctuations in the weather activity




My children, I want to recommend to you that you also consider during mid summer that there can be very cold days. And if it rains for days, so that the people get moral crises and often catch also a cold, when they are dressed too airy, the worldly oriented people will often run into major problems. You, My children, know very well that the weather in the world has to do a lot with vibrations. Your prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” help also to regulate these extreme weather fluctuations better, and to cancel at least partially the manipulation of the weather, which plays also an important role. Amen.




July 25th, 2017


Be able to help




My children, many spiritual thinking people have a big heart for people who need help, but also for animals, nature in general, and especially for the world peace. I am asked again and again in the profound prayer, which good deeds you can do everyday? Now, every child can decide this for himself. Some of you pray e.g. every hour several times profoundly, others celebrate the “Calls of Victory” several times a day, and others send very often good thoughts and the vibration “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” out into the world. You see, you can do it as you like, but it should be always profoundly and heartily. Usually, the resonances come quite soon, and good deeds come back to you like a boomerang. Who thinks now, oh, I will do it to receive something good, is wrong! It should always happen without expectations, and if then the resonance comes positively back to you in any manner, this is a beautiful sign. You see, it is possible to help in many ways, My children! Amen.




July 24th, 2017


Simplicity instead of status symbol




My children, My children true to Me have always been thinking and acting simple related to their life. They did not want excessive luxury of any kind, because this can be a great temptation. Of course I do not mean that My children should live in poverty, but also not in gluttony and excessive proliferation. Many of you can understand very well, how worldly oriented people have lost all tendency to the spiritual or did never have in this life. Often these people wear themselves out until exhaustion, just to have a prestigious house and car, and they run into debt often up to the retirement age and furthermore. If now an accident or a serious illness adds up to it, they often lose their house and go mentally to rack and ruin. Then the belief in a righteous GOD has disappeared as well, though they are responsible for their own fate. Normally, My children true to Me do not dare something risky, they are grounded and caring. Who does always good deeds and asks for help will receive it always within the scope of his life plan. People, who live a simple life, without arrogance, and who are not subject to the glamour of temptation, can lead a pure life, which offers also all benefits in a modest way, and they often are much happier and more satisfied than those people, who are rich and must even employ bodyguards, because they fear for their life and their wealth. Amen.




July 23rd, 2017


Let yourselves be guided in important decisions




My children, in the normal daily life, many of you let themselves guide and lead again and again. But if something important lies ahead, many of you are on the one hand very nervous and tense, and on the other hand they try to do what they mean that it is right for them. If you would only learn, My children, that “let yourselves be guided” is based on absolute TRUST IN GOD, and that you should only “be”. Yesterday, there has been again such a wonderful example for “let yourselves be guided” in the positive sense. My writing channel and his wife let themselves be wonderfully guided, and thus a new spiritual connection developed to a searching woman, who has an autistic child and wanted a connection with Me, but she did not know how to manage it. Something like this can also happen to you now and then, My children, therefore let yourselves be guided again and again affectionately, if you want it also from your hearts. Amen.




July 22nd, 2017


Intensive stress harms body, mind and soul




My children, there are people, for whom some positive stress is good. But continuous, permanent stress harms body, mind, and soul. Some people, who have permanent stress, age must faster than those people, who live consciously and go the spiritual way. If possible avoid as far as possible extreme stress, which is very strenuous as well. From the professional perspective, a job which can be done only under high pressure is no good choice. Who wants to find a vocation in form of the right profession, should reflect and pray with Me profoundly. Then messages in form of dreams, visions, or also notifications of different kinds will happen. Amen.




July 21st, 2017


Do not hope, know it




My children, many people hope always that they will receive help, and often have sent a vibration, though, that they are still sceptical despite everything. How healing shall happen then? Well, you know that you always receive help within the scope of your life plan, if you ask Me for it. The life plans of many of you have changed already, because they have not been any more up to date. This means: You have mentally developed further so extremely that you had completed the old program of your life plan, and due to your mental abilities, your life plan has been extended. Thus often interesting things happen: Children, who had originally in their life plan that they never in their life should marry and have children, have through the extension e.g. found the ideal partner for life, and also spiritual souls could then in the profound love find the way through an incarnation to earth. The life plan can change as well in the positive sense, if children, who had been in former lives nuns or monks and were not allowed to have children due to their not dissolved oaths and vows from former lives, live free and unbound by letting go the old adherences, and thus start a real family. Therefore you should always know that everything that is permitted is feasible, and you should firmly believe that everything can happen, if it is allowed. Amen.


July 20th, 2017


Keep cool




My children, now everywhere is holiday feeling, and also in the south of Germany, the summer holidays will soon begin. Wherever you go, it is quite busy everywhere. The motorways are full, and the hotter the temperatures, the more often accidents happen. Then you must keep cool in spite of the heat and drink a lot of water, best of all blessed water, namely in sips, insalivated. I know that children and young people do not want to listen, if you as parents or grandparents propose it. But the body can cope much better with it, if you drink consciously in sips. There were questions from your side, what you should do, if you sweat extremely, and your clothes are totally soaked with sweat. Well, also here applies: Drink in sips and ask Me mentally that all minerals, vitamins, trace elements, and whatever you have lost during sweating, is refilled through drinking the water with My blessing and everything you need. Only in the south of your country, the hot summer is so hot. In the north it is considerably more moderate. The one is glad, the others suffer from the scorching sun. If now a continuous soft wind would blow all the time, you could cope with the temperatures much better and would feel the heat less. Therefore e.g. the islands are particularly popular, My children. Amen.




July 19th, 2017


The weather candle




My children, especially at muggy summer days and nights, heavy thunderstorms and also heavy rain and hail can take place. Actually, during transmitting this FATHER’S WORD, e.g. part of South Germany is affected. Nearly all of My children know the weather candle. It is preferably white, because this includes all colours and radiates purity. When you buy such a white candle, ask Me afterwards in the profound prayer for My blessing for it. This weather candle acts then in the scope of your life plan, after it has been blessed by Me and lit by you. There is also the possibility to install mental weather candles, if you are e.g. on the way and want to protect your home. Pray profoundly and ask Me to light your mental weather candle. It works always for some hours. The weather candle should be activated again through the profound prayer before each use. Amen.




July 18th, 2017


Peaceful solutions




My children, for many people just now problems and situation are actual, which must be solved. Also some of My children want to solve their situations peacefully. In greater and in smaller matters, you can of course also transfer this to the whole earth. This means, who manages to keep peace in the family, can distribute this vibration also over the whole world. Peace is always possible, if all parties realize that you can win nothing through war. This may be legal disputes, private things, or also such trivial, unimportant situations as sporting events, and so on. The people get excited about many things, and they are often also artificially incited. Therefore keep a clear head and try to solve everything peacefully. Beg for My helping angels to support you and first of all to help you with inspirations. But often the helpful ideas come directly from Me, if you pray sufficiently profoundly. In the present time, the other side tries again to create something dark, but as long as My children do daily good deeds in all its facets, a lot of healing energy flows over the earth. If somebody should try to betray you or to harm you deliberately, you may of course ask for My divine justice, and then the law of resonance will work at once. What in former centuries had lasted for many, many years of resonance, happens today sometimes already within seconds, but at least in a comparatively short time without years to pass. Also here, the life plan is of course of high importance. Amen.




July 17th, 2017


Everything is linked together




My children, absolutely everything on earth is linked with each other. Most of you know that the earth is a living being. But most people cannot imagine that everything is connected with each other. Theoretical, through the power of your thoughts you are able to travel within split seconds anywhere on earth. I give you a nice example. If somebody feels ill or faint, due to the lack of sun light, there are two possibilities to take in the healing power of the sun: 1. You take an infrared lamp and irradiate your face from a distance, so that it feels good, and then you travel with your mind to the place you want to be best to soak up the sun and to refill your batteries. It is up to you, whether this is the Caribbean, the Canary Islands, or the top of a mountain. 2. The power of your imagination through your other senses. This may be smells, pictures, or videos of palm beaches, sun rises, music which moves you into a holiday feeling, or also drinks and foods, which e.g. bring the sun into your heart. I recommend My children always to create a chill-out area or, who has the possibility, a larger area in a way that you either can go into yourselves, relax, or also gain power. From this place, you can travel around the world. As you can e.g. phone everywhere on earth with your mobile all-rounder or connect yourselves through the internet with everything, this works the same way with your power of imagination. There is no being separated. Again and again you ask Me through the profound prayer, where on earth you can live best. I cannot answer you in general. You should go where your heart leads you – in consultation with your family, of course. If the family does not agree, you should consider other compromises, but usually, there is an agreement. Amen.




July 16th, 2017


To go into the silent




My children, some days, you feel not well and would better stay in bed. Well, if this is possible, you should do it, because if your body signals that it needs urgently a timeout, you should allow it. On such days, avoid television and if possible also the internet to a large extent. If you now go into the silent and allow that I can communicate with you in the profound prayer, very often things are talked about and also clarified, which otherwise would have to wait for their fulfilment for a long time. If this timeout last longer than three days, it can be something severe. But mostly, you feel well at the latest after three days. Amen.




July 15th, 2017


Listen to your body




My children, your body is your measuring instrument for your well-being in connection with your soul. Your heart, your head, and all the other parts at and inside you are connected to each other. If there would be a grievance, you feel it at once. A sore throat e.g. or a sinus drainage can be a forerunner that something wants to be healed or eased. But also overexertion is signalled by the body and can be shown in different ways. Who now listens exactly at and in his body can often at once learn through the soul or also the heart together with the mind what is wrong. If it would be only aching muscles, you will feel within some seconds how your limbs or muscles hurt. If you speak daily after awakening first a benediction for the night, you can subsequently ask at once for My protection in the profound prayer. If your body has any restrictions you do not have usually, you feel it at once. Allow your body also time-outs and phases of healing and relaxation, if it asks for it, because this important phase is often the guarantor that you are going to feel fine soon. Your FATHER, who helps you always – within the scope of your life plan – if you ask profoundly for it. Amen.




July 14th, 2017


Today’s youth




My children, if you think of your youth, this has been absolutely different than that of your children or grandchildren. Today’s youth has been literally connected with the mother’s milk to wireless telephones. Infants have already tablets, and in the kindergarten, already many kids use their mobile all-rounder. Some of you have asked Me to send you a FATHER’S WORD concerning this subject. Well, I am free from evaluations or judgements, therefore I want only to list certain facts. You may decide for yourselves. It is very hard for young people today to find an apprenticeship, if they are sensitive and quiet and do not follow the habits of the other young people. Who is even electro sensible, is automatically regarded as an outsider. Therefore these young people have a mobile phone, though they cannot cope with the radiation at all – only not to be an outsider. Young children cry up to a certain age, if the house is flooded with radiation. Many parents refuse to believe that this crying is due to the radiation. Many young people live in their own world, which is dictated by the mobile all-rounder, and if they do not participate, they are often harassed or avoided. Who has the inner strength to let go everything, which radiates, has difficulties at school and with the teachers. Only the wording “due to illness through electro sensitiveness” is partially accepted. But if a young person decides to do this, first of all he must cope with the radiations at home, at friends, if he has any, and of course at school and later on in their job. I am glad, when My children stand by their way of living. Young people, who suffer from radiation and ask Me for protection and help, are under My protection, and I help them within the scope of their life plan. Thus: Who of the young people does not get an apprenticeship at once due to a restriction, should please ask Me in the profound prayer for help, and help will come. Those of you, My children, who have problems with their children, may ask Me in the profound prayer accordingly, and help will happen. Many of you have pity with today’s youth, because what you experienced as a beautiful youth – playing in the nature, being allowed to be a child and later on also adolescent, without restrictions through the monitoring of the adults – all this today’s young people hardly have today. They know the reality, which you have experienced, often only through their computer games. They are often trapped in the world of the illusion matrix. Who wants to change it for his juniors should help the children and youngsters through targeted information and let them participate in adventures: to experience nature. It is a compromise to go out into nature and experience adventures – even if the navigation device is part of this kind of scavenger hunt. There are many possibilities to entice the children and youngsters of today away from their game consoles and mobile all-rounders. You must only be creative, and they must have fun, if necessary – as just said – through a combination solution. Amen.




July 13th, 2017


Blessed water




My children, I recommend you again and again to ask Me for the blessing for your water. Well, most of you do this regularly. But blessed water can do much more: It works subtly, and this way it can transform other water with only one drop. This means, My children, if you take something from the blessed water with you on a journey, you can do earth healing on your way. Give only some drops in creeks, rivers, or also the sea, while the size of the water naturally also determines how long the transformation will last. But according to the sentence: “Little strokes fell big oaks”, also through My blessed water, a transformation happens. Of course the garden pond is quickly energized, while e.g. a river lasts quite long. Nevertheless it is important to celebrate it, because any good deed is necessary. Amen.




July 12th, 2017


If the pain becomes chronic




My children, many people and also some of you have one or more chronic diseases. This can be migraine, diabetes, fibromyalgia, continuous headache, or other chronic diseases, which do not want to vanish any more – from the view of the people. Where do these chronic diseases come from? Well, this is very different, but they have one thing in common: First of all, they come very soft and say affectionately: “Hello, here I am. You can still change your life so that I will not become your permanent guest.” Who now ignores these announcements, will by and by get increasing sufferings. Some of you ask Me, whether these pains have always a karmic reason. Well, they do not. Partially they may be, but in general they have to do with things of this life. Neurodermatitis and fibromyalgia are the exceptions. These come mostly from former lives. Migraine and continuous headache can become even so bad that the concerned person cannot work any more and must possibly apply for a disabled person’s pass. Very often the totally excessive demand in the job and e.g. radiation in high doses through mobile all-rounders play a large role. Perfectionism is often the trigger for heavy migraine attacks. Who suffers now from those diseases may certainly get recovery and healing, but for this, a complete change of the way of life is necessary. If possible pure food, pure if possible blessed water, and first of all peace and no radiation. Hectic pace and stress are atrocities for these people. Radiation of any kind should be avoided at least until the recovery or improvement of the disease. Those of My children, who cannot realize this, because e.g. the family does not show any consideration, should think seriously to rent an own apartment – at least until the improvement. Many diseases have become so intense only through the radiations. The pressure to succeed and the “must be able” force many people to exceed their limits, and then burnout or painful sufferings follow. To learn how you e.g. can find help against continuous pain you should go into yourselves and find the reason. You will find the solution, if you – in the profound prayer with Me – listen into yourselves. Far away from commerce and in the mental peace, your body will revive and can recover. You should also let your spine column check by a specialist, whether e.g. the atlas is correctly positioned, because this can also cause e.g. heavy headache, if the atlas is displaced. Walks along the sea, in the woods, or simply in nature – without noise – can help healing as well. Computer games, though, thrilling TV shows, or also intense radiations should be forbidden, because your body needs the rest to recover. Also relaxing baths or reading a touching book can be balm for the soul. There would be still a lot of things to say, and I will continue it at the appropriate time. Amen.




July 11th, 2017


To be on alert




My children, currently, it is very critical on earth. Therefore you should always be alert and watch out for everything what happens. The other side is intensifying efforts to start riots and unrests, and My children counteract – with their profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds. Many of you know all this and are also prepared, if something should happen. The pantry is filled, and water is also available. But what happens with your friends and relatives, if they had not wanted to accept your well meant advices and hints? Now, then they are on their own, unless you support them with your supplies you had stored. But this works only limited, because you need also supplies for yourself and for your family. It not yet so far, but as I had said, the other side tries to realize it with all its strength. You, My bright light houses, stand in the surf of life and have, as said before, the possibility to avert a lot through your help. Let your friends, relatives, and acquaintances shake their heads, when you tell them once again that they should permanently maintain stocks for at least two weeks. Also several governments worldwide have recommended private food storage. Put yourselves always well under My protection coat, and drive carefully, and ask also always that My angels accompany you, when you are on the way. Amen.




July 10th, 2017


Contacts with relatives and friends




My children, this subject becomes more and more difficult, the more you develop on the true spiritual way. The main part of the relatives has little understanding or tolerance for this. Especially, if this further development is accompanied by a change of your food. Perhaps you should tell your relatives not always at once in the smallest detail everything you are doing, because otherwise conflicts or also lack of understanding would follow. But some of you have so many problems with their relatives and partially also with their friends that they hardly want to meet them any more, or often this happens vice versa: The relatives and partially also the friends do not want to meet you any more. Sometimes the reason is relatively minor, from your point of view. It might have something to do with the fact that you get excited about the radiation, or also your belief, or the change of your nutrition to vegan or at least vegetarian food. My children, worldly oriented people cannot imagine how it is to go the spiritual way together with Me! For them, something of the kind is unimaginable! If you then “fall out of the series” and do not comply with the established norm it may even happen that they are ashamed of you, resp. minimize the contact as far as possible. Consider that worldly oriented people believe only what is presented to them daily as everyday mishmash in the public media. My children, therefore you should be careful with your wording, and you should avoid overstraining your relatives and friends with your way of thinking. They cannot cope with it or think that you are above good and evil. Amen.




July 9th, 2017


When you are exposed to radiation




My children, even if you forego every radiation at home as far as possible you are confronted in many shops with radiation of different kinds. Therefore, some of you avoid certain shops, where constant radiation stress prevails. It is known that this is everything but healthy for the sellers and cashiers at the forefront. But this careless handling by meanwhile most of the people in progressive countries should be an alarm signal, and when then some of your friends or relationship say that they are electro sensitive and refuse to enter such houses, because they suffer there from heavy headache, physical aches and other nearly unbearable pain, people often say that they only imagine this and that they should not make a fuss, or recently the heavy remark circulates: “You must harden your body. Soon it is everywhere like this, or do you want to live as a hermit anywhere?” Because some of you ask Me again and again in the profound prayer, how they can help them, I tell you: Try to find a place, which works as a dead zone. Unfortunately, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland those are thin on the ground. Some people also emigrate, but they must then often accept a region, which is very sparsely populated, or also move to a region, where nobody wants to live. First of all, try to find an own house in a rural area, and agree with your family, because if the children absolutely want to use their mobile all-rounder at home, this is a solution, which does not fit. You can screen houses, and also the location should preferably be not in the vicinity of radio masts. It is also important that you put yourselves always and everywhere under My protective coat through the profound prayer, and that you ask Me to enshroud you. In regions, where e.g. many skyscrapers are, there can be possibly also heavy radiation outdoors. Who suffers very much from radiation should communicate with like-minded people and look for places, which have low or no radiation. I can discuss this subject here only marginally, because it is very complex and intense, and each person needs possibly a specific analyse. Many of you feel sympathy for the small children, who grow up with a permanent radiation through the mobile all-rounders of their parents. Watch out for it, if you have the possibility, My children. Many of these sensitive children cry during the night and also during the day again and again, and the parents cannot calm them down. Mostly this is caused by the different radiations. But I gave babies and small children a special protective coat, which allows only a low amount of radiation during their life plan. But also this weak radiation lets these children cry. Often it is an awakening call for their parents! But they refuse to believe it. If you now have received too much radiation, go into the profound prayer and ask for a spiritual cleaning. The physical cleaning can be made through an intense salt water bath. Amen.


July 8th, 2017


To fit everything under one hat




My children, you know the proverb “to fit everything under one hat”. In your case this means that you should try to coordinate everything as to you, in the family and also in the job, in a way that everything stays in the calmness and you can manage it without freaking out or almost going berserk, because everything overwhelms you. First of all bring a certain order and continuity into your life. You should also encourage the other family members to participate, because through skilful planning a lot is possible. If your children should depend too much on the mobile all-rounder, make them aware that they should urgently part with this addiction, because this is nothing else. Conscious, reasonable use is possible, but an uncontrolled dependence leads in the long run to chaos or another kind of breakdown. As soon as the power supply fails for a longer time – for whatever reasons – you will experience, which absolute chaos and dilemma will take place. I spare Myself to tell you the details. You see, My children, merely concerning the items internet and health, there is so much explosiveness that here several peaceful discussions are absolutely necessary. If you give your children an advance warning and explain them affectionately the risks associated with handling mobile devices, they know it at least. This way, you can try step by step to order everything and settle it peacefully. Thus at least a large part of your activities can be coordinated. If you need help, ask Me through the profound prayer. Amen.




July 7th, 2017






My children, the meeting of the politicians is a risky situation according to the explosiveness and to what comes from the protesters. I want to ask you to pray also that everything runs peacefully and energetically in the positive range. You know that just now, in midsummer, there is high explosiveness at many hotspots in the world. Look just in your neighbourhood, how aggressive the people react, if something unusual happens, as e.g. extreme heat, sultriness, stress, or simply a traffic jam at the highway. With many worldly oriented people the nerves are absolutely on edge. You may help here as well, if you are asked for. So nice summer is for some of you, so unpleasant it is for all people, for whom 30 degrees in the shade is already a horror. You know: You cannot do things right for most people – from their point of view. Therefore it is so important that you stay in your inner peace and do every day your prayers and good deeds voluntarily. Amen.


July 6th, 2017


When everybody is on the way




My children, during the next weekend, the highways will be crowded, because holidays start in some federal states. You should consider carefully, if you want to start exactly then. Today is still a better day for it. Some of you ask Me, how they can help the poor people mentally, who got stuck in a traffic jam or have stress in their holidays. Well, first of all it is the free will of these people to travel at that time. You know that you may not interfere with the life plan of other people. If you pray now in general for all people, though, that they may find help in the scope of their life plan, if they need help, only those things happen, which are permitted. You see, if you think global you have a better overview and also a different way of thinking. Avoid stress and try to combine everything peacefully and calmly. If you have now private sorrows or problems, first of all speak to Me in the profound prayer, and often already in the following night a solution for this problems occurs. But it can also last some time, because then certain situations have to be settled and partially be solved. Therefore have confidence and patience, My children. Amen.




July 5th, 2017






My children, the other side tries again and again to find the peoples’ weak points and thus to tempt them. Not only young people have mostly a mobile all-rounder. Even the generation 65+ have very often this gadget and use it regularly. It is important to know that especially through the internet a lot of games are offered, mostly free of charge, which rob the people their precious, limited leisure time and lead them thus mostly into a dependence and addiction. Using the different applications of these equipments regularly partly makes them nearly people, who with an empty face do not perceive their environment any more. Temptations take place nearly everywhere, though, and you need a strong will and a strong belief to resist all these things. Take good care of you and of your children, and lead them on the right track, as far as they allow to be guided. Amen.


July 4th, 2017


Worldwide prayers




My children, today at the United States’ Independence Day many Christians pray worldwide for peace and freedom from all constraints. Please support these prayers in your way with profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds, as you do it already voluntarily for a longer time. Today is not only very important in a symbolic way, but also in general in world affairs. Amen.




July 3rd, 2017


Flexibility when travelling




My children, when you are travelling, you have to adapt. Often a certain flexibility is demanded. If you pray profoundly before and beg for protection and blessing, My angels will guide and lead you so that everything goes well. You can cope better with even tiring car journeys or business appointments, when you have prayed before profoundly and have asked for My protection. If you get problems with the radiation, e.g. because the place where you stay overnight has wireless internet, ask Me to enshroud you specially for the time, where you are exposed to the radiation. Cheer up and listen also to the inspirations in your heart. Amen.


July 2nd, 2017


On the road in Germany




My children, why longing for the distance, when you can travel inside your homeland? Who of you knows already all federal states? My children, who read the FATHER’S WORDS in other countries, should adapt it concerning their homeland. Some of you have asked Me, which is the best time to get started, and where you should travel, because many countries are endangered by war. Especially at this time it is very reasonable to stay in the home region. Who has a caravan or a motor home is of course quite independent. But also visiting friends and relatives is still very popular between the people in general. In the past, you travelled to Italy to the sea, today you are tempted by the Lake Constance, the Allgäu, the North Sea or the Baltic Sea, or also the Harz Mountains, to name only some attractions in Germany. To answer the first question, the main problems are the many traffic jams and construction sites on the highways. Therefore many people start during the night. If many think this way, there are also bottlenecks. It is difficult to give good advice concerning the start time. But it is important that the driver and optimal also the front passenger are well rested. This summer, it is very dangerous to travel by plane in endangered countries. It is bubbling at many locations, to put it simply. Now you can do again a lot of good deeds – also during driving your car – when you e.g. celebrate the “Calls of Victory” during the trip, and send also My blessing to every car driver, who e.g. overtakes you. Say simply: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” Thus you do a good job, and ask beforehand also for yourselves for protection, salvation, and blessing, and beg also that the according highway is free from negative things. You see, a holiday can be planned, but it is also possible on short notice, if you prepare it accordingly. Your FATHER, who accompanies you always, if you allow it. Amen.




July 1st, 2017


Say what you want



My children, many of you show too much consideration for their relationship and do not dare to say, what they think, feel, and how they want to act. Be it to confess that you are vegetarian or vegan, and that you afraid of what the relatives think, or e.g. family-internal things, where you do not dare to stand behind what you think, feel, and how you are really. My children, dare to be how you are! Stand by your life and do not be afraid to be the “Black Peter” of the relationship. Many of your kind are not very popular in their family. Why is that? Well, it is often due to the profound Christian belief to Me, your FATHER in JESUS CHRIST, then your way of living and eating, and finally that you hold a symbolic mirror up the people and tell them the truth to their face. Most of the worldly oriented people fear to be confronted with the unvarnished truth, which they want to hide carefully. Just during family events, very often fierce discussions are unleashed, which are absolutely superfluous, indeed. Speak your mind, your standpoint, and answer that you do not want to discuss it. Try it, My children. Also stick with your opinion not to eat or drink something that does not match with your philosophy of life. Many do it by courtesy or to avoid a quarrel. Be true to yourselves, otherwise one day, you can no more look at yourself in the mirror with a good conscience. Amen