July, 31st 2016

Hidden dangers


My children, the radiation in your environment increases steadily, and there are merely no “oases”, which are absolutely radiation-free. But even at places, which are low in radiation, a body being badly burdened with radiation can regenerate. Some of you are electro sensitive and thus need a place, where they can live shielded or at least can recover daily. I want to point out that due to public protests many antennas for the mobile all-rounders are cleverly disguised, and that they cannot be detected with the naked eye. They even do not stop at churches and the cross. I recommend you to reduce the use of the mobile all-rounders – if at all – to a minimum of operation time, and if you have to make a call, position it one meter away from you and speak through the hands-free module. A portable laptop should be operated preferably only outdoors, if it is connected to the internet. My children, the consequences of this extreme radiation dose influencing mankind are like opening up Pandora’s box! Pay attention to yourselves and to your beloved ones, enlighten them, even if you risk to be called a “conspiracy theorist”. Who sets up his home to do without wireless technology and receives telephone and internet still via cable the old fashioned way will experience, which big difference exists in contrast to wireless equipment. These technologies are very dangerous, and therefore you should protect and inform your children. Amen.

July, 30th 2016

What the body needs


My children, water is not only a necessary elixir of life, it helps also to prevent diseases and to recover faster from an illness. If you knew, how easy many little aches can be cured: Simply by drinking water! If you now also pray for My blessing for it, this water is beyond price, concerning the healing energies, which through the profound prayer are transported into a glass of water. By drinking water, you can regulate your body weight, reduce superfluous fat, feel better mentally and physically, and many things more. But each of My children should understand, which is the contrast to the use of normal water: Who asks Me profoundly for the blessing of his water, his wish is fulfilled at once, and thus the body has the power to do everything necessary to stay healthy, respectively to become healthy. Health is absolutely something you can work for – up to a certain extent. Water should be considered by mankind as a priceless precious helper, which should be used as an overall protection and be consumed sufficiently. Amen.


July, 29th 2016

Healing at all levels


My children, when healing shall happen, several prerequisites are necessary: Letting go and forgiveness, as well as the change in the own thinking and acting, so that there is no relapse. The first level, where the healing happens in the subtle realm, can be felt and seen only through the aura. Sensible people feel it relatively fast and sometimes even at once that the subtle realm has received healing there. The implementation in the worldly range can absolutely last some time – but there are of course also spontaneous healings as well. An important step for the healing is the own willingness to change one’s life to the positive, and to do or to request good deeds also for those people, who have been quarrelled or even evil enemies before. Who has brought diseases or even more intense things into this life as a child has the task to process, recognize change, and let go old karmic patterns and entanglements. Who works on himself, lets go, and from this moment on does only good deeds will get concerning help quickly as a resonance. Amen.


July, 28th 2016



My children, due to the new increase of oscillations just running through the earth it can happen that you become suddenly without an apparent reason abruptly tired. If possible, make an intensive short sleep of some minutes, and you will realize that this does you good. Also My dear children, who usually go to bed only after one o’clock in the night get, severe symptoms of fatigue earlier in the evening. Follow them, and you will experience that this sleep is then very good for body, mind, and soul. Amen.


July, 27th 2016

Light and darkness


My children, in the brightest light always everything can be seen, and who has to hide something avoids this bright light. As soon as darkness has come, shady beings creep out. Through your prayers and your aura they cannot harm you. Who now is troubled by fears has not the absolute FAITH IN GOD, My children. Fears always symbolize a doubt. However, here the kinds of fears are meant, which are related to darkness. Natural fears as vertigo, fear of falling, and so on are not meant in this case. When children like to leave the light on, when they have to go to bed, because they are afraid of the darkness, this has often a real background, because they feel or see often dark beings or energies – up to a certain age. Mostly this stops latest during the so-called puberty. That very sensible children can see and feel it, is because they have brought along these abilities from former lives. When you pray profoundly every day before going to bed for the protection for yourselves, your beloved ones, and your home, everything is protected and guarded. Many people breathe a sigh of relief every morning, when the sun shines again, or when it is light outside at least. Without light, you are energetically only half as strong, and light also builds up all cells energetically and supports the healing power of the body. Who now must do without light for a while, can let the inner light shine, through the profound prayer – with Me in your hearts. Amen.

July, 26th 2016

Increase vitality


My children, just in these unstable times, where fear is incited consciously, it is important that you increase your vitality. First of all, of course the inner calmness and the shutdown of moments of stress are very important. Then you should eat and drink consciously and always listen to your body, which signals it sends to you. Remember that a feeling of satiation always appears a while later with worldly oriented people than with sensitive people, My children. By consciously abstaining from things that do not good for you, you sharpen your senses and strengthen your willpower. When you now still do everything much more consciously and intensely in your life, you will experience that in connection with the profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds your entire vitality strengthens and increases. Additionally, you will become more delicate and also more sensible within all ranges of perception. Amen.


July, 25th 2016

Holiday season – stress or relaxation?


My children, the long school holidays in summer are always a major challenge. The children want adventures, entertainment, or as recently to a growing extent the total isolation through their mobile all-rounders inside their pseudo reality. In the past it was necessary to be patient, when all people went on vacation, and traffic jams were preprogrammed. Nowadays, many cannot afford any more to make a holiday trip to distant countries, or they skip it consciously, because it is too dangerous. I continue to recommend you, My children, to avoid large cities, as well as large public gatherings in concerts, sport events, public swimming pools, etc. Who wants to have stress-free holidays now can do this also in his homeland, i.e. in the garden, on the balcony, on a camping site, or with acquaintances, friends, or relatives, if they have a place, which offers relaxation. For this, I always recommend My children to celebrate at first the profound prayers, light transmissions and “Calls of Victory”, and then to do good deeds with this oscillation. This summer is still relatively harmless, My children. Amen.

July, 24th 2016

The heart never deceives


My children, I tell you to the repeated time: Listen to your heart! You are connected with Me through the profound prayer, and you feel very well that I am with you. Who trusts the worldly media lives in an illusory world. Listen only to your heart! Observe once only the news from Germany compared to the news of the English-speaking countries. Already there are major differences. Your increased prayers today have created something wonderful again, My children. If you only could see the subtle realms, you would never cease to be amazed. Therefore your daily good deeds and prayers are so immensely important, My children. Amen.


July, 23rd 2016

Being under My mantle of protection


My children, avoid large gatherings of people, and go only into town, after you have wrapped yourselves well – under My mantle of protection through the profound prayer. Your profound prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds help to minimize the things, which happened worldwide. But never forget that you live in the end time, where chaff and wheat will be separated. Amen.


July, 22nd 2016

Awakening can be hard


My children, the awakening of the worldly oriented people from their “Sleeping Beauty deep sleep” can be very hard, because when they finally feel the reality, they are often struck by great fears. You may gladly help them and enlighten them, if they have asked you in advance. For many people the awakening is similar disillusioning as it had been for small children, when they found out that there is no Santa Clause, and that the Christ Child also does not lay presents under the Christmas tree. Understand, My children, the simulated reality you call “matrix” is a fallacy. Therefore, some especially stubborn cases watch in TV only soft and shallow films and TV series, and they close their blinders, when only a little bit of reality or pseudo reality can be heard or seen. But their awakening and their steep fall from their self created “cloud nine” will be very vigorous, and many people will have major up to worst problems in future as a result. Amen.


July, 21st 2016

Fear of prophecies


My children, there are people, who believe in nothing, others believe in prophecies, and others try to let prophecies being fulfilled, and in turn, others are very afraid of them. Now, there are a lot of these prophecies concerning a third world war, and also concerning the so-called “three dark days”, and others about civil wars, catastrophes, and so on. What I am trying to say, My children, is: Prophecies are always serious indications, which can come true or even will come true, at least partially, if mankind does not take them serious and does not change, respectively alters. This means in plain language: Every prophecy is theoretically changeable, if mankind changes as well. But: every single one of you can change his life very well to the positive, when he or she wants this profoundly and from the bottom of the heart. But certain things are the prerequisite: Absolute trust in God, love to everything living, no hate against anybody, and the firm intention to manage everything, which is manageable. These items must not be fulfilled all together at once. If you begin on a small scale and you are successful, it enhances step by step. Start to stop killing animals, which bother you as e.g. flies, but to allow them tenderly to live on. If they bother you, catch them and let them free outside. The change must begin on a small scale to build roots there in order to let grow something great. You should also support peace marches, which are absolutely peaceful, as it just happens in the Ukraine, with profound prayers, light transmissions, and with lighting blessed candles. Amen.


July, 20th 2016

Wish fulfilment


My children, I think it is very laudable of many of you that your greatest desire is a life in peace, harmony, happiness, and joy. Worldly frills are not important for you, but the peaceful togetherness in love and pleasure. Therefore I want to tell you now that you should work hard at these wishes, and many of you send these oscillations already through your prayers, light transmissions and good thoughts out in the world, which is actually quite small and limited. You can visit the whole area of the earth with one thought you have, and you can also perceive all smells, emotions, and impressions. My children, you want to know, when this happens? Now, during the night, when your soul leaves your sleeping or resting body. You see, your possibilities are enormous, My children. If you now imagine that you travel every country of the earth and leave positive energies in each country, in the form of good thoughts, which you give into the soil, the trees, the water, or also the air, you will receive positive resonances in a little while. Try it by wishing it in the evening before you fall asleep, and your soul will then fulfil this in the intensity you can imagine it. Amen.


July, 19th 2016

Are you familiar with everything?


My children, I often have told you, how important the correct preparation is. But are you really familiar with all those things you possess? Can you filter water and light a campfire during adverse conditions, so that you can cook water or food? Do you know, where your candles and matches are, and do you find everything also in the dark? Deal with it, because practical exercises are a good test for the coming time. Who likes to do it, can sleep a night together with his sweethearts in the garden or a campsite in a tent and can take the packed backpack for a walk as a test in order to get the feeling for the weight. I recommend you also to study relevant books, which plants are eatable and which not. Additionally, guided tours of regional herbs are offered. Try to live one day a week under difficult conditions, while you mentally adjust yourselves how it is to cook and live without power supply. You should at least test the different variants of cooking. Understand, My children, it is very important and useful to master all these skills, and first of all to have always absolute trust in God. Amen.


July, 18th 2016

You are yourselves


My children, you are individuals, who think and live for yourselves, and nobody else on earth is as you are. Clearly said: You are unique – like every human being is unique – and therefore you should also do the things you think that are good for you. It is irrelevant, what relatives, neighbours, work colleagues, and so on think about you. You decide, what does you good, and what not. The people are too much afraid of what the others think about them. They do not want to attract the others’ attention anyhow and absolutely want to float with the current. My children, but who reaches the source of the river? Now, only those people, who swim consciously against the current. Did you think about this? Therefore I recommend you to think carefully about what does you good in order to take the necessary steps for it. Your daily prayers, light transmissions, “Calls of Victory”, and good deeds in general help so much in the world. Now help also yourselves by standing behind yourselves and that, what you are and what you do. Stand by the fact to be e.g. vegan or to wear long hair, or simply to be different. Are yourselves, and be self-confident enough to live your life in profound love with Me, your FATHER, at your side. Your partners, children, or friends and relatives are perhaps surprised or shocked at first, but mostly they get used to. Who thinks to have to dissociate themselves from you, for you do not let e.g. mobile all-rounders into your lives and do not allow your visitors to let them switched on inside your house as well, because you get a headache, accept their decisions. It is important that you stand by yourselves, because who only adapts himself and flatters the others, will become ill in the long run and will no more be able to look straight at his own reflection in the mirror. Amen.


July, 17th 2016

Several things happen on earth


My children, you see it for yourselves: In some countries partially huge changes are planned and also already running. Who could now look behind the scenes, would realize that not everything has been planned, how it happens there – but: It is still only a foretaste, a little pre-taste of the changes, which will soon be pending. Through your good deeds you can effect a great deal in the direction of positive changes and weakening of the intensity. Amen.

July, 16th 2016

Peace Marches


My children, in the Ukraine something very special happens just now! Thousands of people make a pilgrimage, praying and singing, from all parts of the country towards the capital Kiev. If this would set a precedent, the public-service media could no longer suppress it, and through the memory of Earth a lot of healing would happen. Think about it. Amen.


July, 15th 2016



My children, this word is often used, but what does it mean? Now, there are home made crises, arranged crises, and well prepared crises. They are always planned and serve to develop chaos. I have told you already often that it is useful to store sufficient food, water, and important things of life, which you should regularly consume and supplement them again. Why is this so important? Now, one the one hand you must be trained, so that you have everything you need in case of emergency, and first of all that you are prepared. Your profound prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” have prevented worse already several times, and thus you have escaped crises up to now. In some countries of the world it is currently very dangerous, and also in Europe the trouble spots increase. Concerning this, there does not exist any coincidence, My children, you know it well. Coincidence means that it hits a person, i.e. it is intended. Germany hat always a key role and has it further on related to certain abilities. Therefore, many of My children have been born in a German-speaking country, or live there now. The love to all forms of life – without judging – is a gift, which only few people bear within themselves. Nourish this spark of love inside you – but with the right portion of justice – this is very important! Help, where you are able to help, but do not allow yourselves to be exploited and burdened with feelings of guilt. Amen.


July, 14th 2016

Summer activities


My children, in spite of extreme rainfalls and then days again, which show record-breaking heat, these ups and downs in this summer are very intense and hard to cope with. Temperature differences of fifteen degrees centigrade – from one day to the other – are also a challenge for many people. Therefore I recommend you to adapt your activities specifically to the daily weather conditions, as far as it is possible. Too much sports and heavy physical work should be avoided during scorching heat. This weather mixture will still last for a longer period in many regions, and it will be also a challenge for many people. Who now thinks about driving or flying on holiday should always consider that the profound prayer is a permanent aid of the special kind, also during the drive or the flight. However, I advise you to consider carefully, whether you should better stay in domestic regions, because worldwide it is very turbulent and can be quite dangerous. Amen.


July, 13th 2016

Positive on all levels


My children, positive living, thinking, and acting cause that through the resonance of course the same positive energies return to you. If you e.g. now in the summer heat have or had to work physically, you have lost a lot of sweat – and thus also vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and other important things the body needs urgently. If do not have them at hand, e.g. as fruits, you can ask Me through the profound prayer to supply your water with everything you just need. Even in times of crisis or power failure you receive from Me everything important in your drinking water through the profound prayer. Who gets behind the steering wheel positively, will drive differently than worldly oriented people, who simply do not care, and who often let them guide by feelings and emotions. It applies also to you, My children: If you got angry, reflect at once, part from these energies and emotions, and ask Me that you may at once put yourselves under My mantle of protection again, and everything is all right again. Amen.


July, 12th 2016

All that glitters is not gold


My children, many people know this proverb, but I want to get you to deal with specific themes: In the coming crisis, precious metals are of course wonderful objects of exchange and collection, but there are still some other objects, which will be most popular as well: Equipment working without power supply are also an important utensil for yourselves, and they offer also the possibility to exchange them. These are e.g. a manual juicer, a kitchen oven operated with wood, and crank driven drilling machines, radios, and flashlights, to name some things, which work without power supply. Also a hand pump for your own water is an option for My children with a piece of land, which at least is worth considering. Additionally, you can use solar supply e.g. in the so-called stand-alone solution to produce electricity through daylight resp. sunlight. Large accumulators can supply then a sophisticated system with your own current. You see, not only gold shines, but also the faces of My children, who manage to support themselves relatively self-sufficient, also without a large purse. Amen.


July, 11th 2016

It bubbles in many places


My children, “bread and circuses” has taken a surprising change for many people, and now problems of money, job, social problems, and many other things boil up again more strongly. It is not only so bad in France and Italy, but in nearly all European countries the embers are glowing, to put it poetical. Here only awakened people can help with calm ways of thinking and acting, and your many good deeds, which happen daily. Never give up, My children, even if it seems to be very difficult. You should light a candle daily as a light for peace to set a sign for your tireless work in My vineyard. The joy about the daily awakening people is great, and it shows that the mass consciousness cannot any more be influenced so easily, or even be fooled. Soon, there will be a great awakening, and this will be very violent. Therefore you should still avert a lot of things and steer them in positive directions. Everything is possible – you must only try it. Amen.


July, 10th 2016

Increase the workload


My children, at the time being, many people must increase their workload to master the tasks they have decided to do. Also you, My children, regularly work more, because also you feel the presence of the New Energies, and what they do to body, mind, and soul. But to increase the workload means also for many people that the stress factor increases, and that these people are not willing to work always at piece rates in order to have sufficient food on their plates at home. Therefore try on the one hand to increase the spiritual workload, and on the other hand to decelerate the worldly life to do everything more consciously and more versatilely. Amen.


July, 9th 2016

Holistic healing is possible


My children, for many people holistic healing is a taboo subject. However, as many of you know, I created for everything a cure in nature, and additionally there is also the power of the spiritual, partially also the self healing, when the faith at it is strong enough. Normally the body repairs smaller “little aches” quite fast itself. I have arranged it so that this works without problems. Major worries or diseases have always a deeper meaning or also a long karma history as the cause. This must not be necessarily from this life. It is important, and you know this, My children, that you may always have total confidence in Me, but also in yourselves, when healing shall happen. Many of My children have not been ill since many years, and they know very well about the indications of a disease. Who does good deeds daily, celebrates the “Calls of Victory”, and prays profoundly, sends of course positive energies out into the world, which return to him or her. If somebody has a severe sickness and is ready to search for the cause deep inside him will find it, when he prays profoundly long enough and is ready to dissolve the cause, so that forgiveness and healing can happen. No human being is born disabled without a cause. This you may gladly explain to people, who ask you – how it runs concerning cause and effect. Amen.


July, 8th 2016

Disillusionment spreads


My children, now everyday life may return to the German households. So fast is the change from the desired fairytale to the sobering reality – at least, what worldly oriented people perceive as reality. The distraction of the “bread and circuses show” has got a considerable damper from the German point of view, but until Sunday evening the “mass entertainment show” still continues. As soon as large sports events are running, politicians can pass new laws relatively easily and barely without being noticed. Why are the fans of this sport so much intoxicated, when their teams are playing? Now, this has something to do with fascination and magic, My children. It is always important that nothing is exaggerated during all sportive competitions, and that first of all it happens without dope. Especially in athletics, a lot is in a sorry state. Sporting activity is good and should be done, but everything going to extremes is not desired by Me. Many people become very much upset, when their team is playing. This is absolutely not healthy, and therefore I can only recommend you to avoid everything, which is extreme in any way, if possible. Amen.


July, 7th 2016

To which very few people pay attention


My children, most of the people pay only attention to the things concerning their personal matters and which are forced upon them in their job. However, they do not realize that nearly everything on earth consists of numbers, number combinations, and secret symbols. Even their beloved football is flooded with it. Watch out consciously for numbers, data, and other signs, which attract your attention, My children. I told you already that the so-called “real life” is in reality only an illusion, but if you grow up from the cradle only with illusions, it often lasts many years, until you feel that there is still yet something else. You, My children, have established the basis through your connection with Me to look behind the facade one day. During the night, many of you succeed with it already quite well. Send also in conscious dreams or meditations again and again My “Call of Victory”: “JESUS CHRIST IS THE VICTOR!” out into the spheres, and you will realize that this causes a lot. Amen.


July, 6th 2016

Feeling of fullness


My children, now, where it is so warm respectively hot your body wants to eat less and to drink more. Listen to it, and keep to it. Also eat only food, which does you good, otherwise you feel the resonance relatively fast. Feelings of fullness often result from the fact that you did not pray for the blessing of the food, or that you ate too much and often also at the wrong time. Just now, in the hot season – concerning the temperatures, light food, which does not strain the stomach and keeps you fit and free, is also a good possibility to purify the body, or to have once a week an exclusive day for eating only fruit and drinking water. Amen.


July, 5th 2016

Let go, what blocks


My children, just now, in the time, where again an increase of oscillation takes place, in many children the sticking to old patterns and blockades rebels, and they want to let them go – as sort of liberation. Begin to do it, and look closely, which of the many things you still need, which are standing perhaps as “dust catchers” in the shelves or fill the cabinets. If you have not used them for several years, this actually is a sign to let them go. Especially things from deceased people or from people, with whom you had or still have conflicts – these things you should let go, and beforehand you should as for all things in general ask Me for protection, salvation, and blessing for them and also for yourselves, so that everything can be passed on also purified and debugged, because burdens only block, and they only hinder the spiritual progress. Amen.


July, 4th 2016

Sudden fatigue


My children, through the new increase of oscillation, which you experience just now, there can be the side effect of sudden fatigue attacks. This can happen in the late evening, during the night where you use to work, or also in broad daylight. Do not fight against it, but give your body rest phases and time-outs. Amen.


July, 3rd 2016

Support measures


My children, it is time again: Quietly and secretly many things are prepared to bring mankind into a large crisis. However, every day more and more people awake, who see through these processes. Your support measures, My children, are to help, where help is needed, and especially to help spiritually and profoundly and to pray, because this kind of support is the strongest power for it. On the surface, it is still relatively peaceful, but inside it is boiling immensely. Imagine also your profound prayers, light transmissions, and “Calls of Victory” as a kind of fire trucks for burning inner trouble spots on earth. You have to do daily a lot of things voluntarily, and now, where the main part of the world population is distracted by “bread and circuses”, your activity is absolutely important. Amen.


July, 2nd 2016

Tolerabilites and intolerances


My children, sensibility increases more and more, and also My children, who are very delicate and sensitive, have recently often problems concerning food. Often intolerance arises where years ago compatibility existed. Therefore check again and again the things you eat and drink, and watch your body’s reaction. You should also always read the small print at the packaging and try to avoid all modified products. Continue to ask Me for My blessing for everything you eat and drink in advance. Amen.


July, 1st 2016

Midsummer has begun


My children, summer must not be measured by means of temperatures – summer is an attitude towards life! You can imagine summer in your head and your body, so that for you it is always summer, if you want it. Through this attitude, already several of My children have overcome sad times, loneliness, and cool summer days. Of course you can amplify this manifesting also with a photo wallpaper or a poster with summer motives as e.g. palm trees, sand, beaches, or the like. Because your mind, your body, and your soul are always eager to live in harmony, they try during the warm months to store a lot of the sun energy inwardly to have reserves for the cooler months. As stated, midsummer is energetically very strong, and summer feelings can even heal strong diseases and their pathogens, respectively bring them to a standstill. Who focuses on the healing power of the sun will soon realize how intensely it works and gives the body everything it needs. However, it should not be exaggerated. It can be very good and beneficial to soak up the sun for 30 up to 60 minutes a day. Amen.